David Gemmell. Winter Warriors

All around Anharat riders were pulling away.

The sun fell behind the mountains, and the moon shone in the darkening sky.

Anharat suddenly laughed, and spread his dead arms wide. The body of Malikada burst open, the clothes rip­ping and falling away. The head fell back, then split from the brow to the chin, and black smoke billowed up into the night sky. Slowly it solidified, forming two wide black wings around a powerful body. The wings began to beat, and the grotesque beast flew above the waiting armies.

Kebra reacted first, notching an arrow to his bow, and


sending a shaft flashing into the sky. It pierced Anharat’s side, but did not stop his flight.

He flew on over the ruined walls towards the ancient temple.

Antikas Karios ran to the nearest horseman and dragged him to the ground. Then he vaulted into the saddle and kicked the horse into a run. He thundered through the Drenai line and into the ghost city. The winged beast hovered above the temple.

His taloned hand gestured towards the ground. Red fire leapt up, flames zo feet high encircling the building. Antikas Karios tried to ride through them, but the horse reared and turned away. Antikas leapt to the ground and tried to run through the flames. His shirt caught fire and he fell back, hurling himself to the ground and rolling through the dirt. Two soldiers ran to him, covering him with their cloaks and beating out the flames.

Antikas glanced up and saw the winged demon land upon a high window and disappear into the temple.

Nogusta stood on the dais and gazed around the temple. Some 30 feet to his left was the queen’s tent, and beyond that the entrance to the antechamber. Two hundred feet ahead of him were the main doors. He glanced up at the high, arched window above the doors. From here would come the winged terror.

The queen emerged from her tent. Nogusta smiled at her. Carrying the babe she walked to the dais. There was in her movement now a renewed pride and strength, and her bearing was once more regal. Nogusta bowed.

‘I thank you for your service to me,’ she said. ‘And I apologize for any apparent lack of gratitude upon the journey.’

‘Stay close to the dais, your highness,’ he told her. The


last hour is upon us.’ Pharis and Sufia were sitting close by. Nogusta ordered them to move to the far wall.

‘Where do you want me?’ asked Conalin.

‘Stand before the queen. The beast will come from that high window.’

Conalin looked up fearfully, but then strode to the dais and took up his position.

Nogusta drew the Storm Sword and stepped from the dais. At that moment a figure in black armour moved from the shadows behind the queen’s tent. He too held a sword.

‘We meet at last,’ said Bakilas, removing his helm. ‘I commend your bravery.’

Nogusta swayed, and reached out to steady himself. He took a deep breath, and his vision swam.

‘You are sick, human,’ said Bakilas. ‘Stand aside. I have no wish to kill you.’

Nogusta’s vision cleared. He wiped the sweat from his eyes. ‘Then leave,’ he said.

‘I cannot do that. My Lord Anharat requires a sacri­fice.’

‘And I am here to prevent it,’ said Nogusta. ‘So, come forward and die.’

Beaten back by the pillars of flame surrounding the building Antikas Karios stood with the White Wolf and his men. Ulmenetha ran to stand alongside them. ‘Is there nothing your magick can do?’ hissed Antikas.

‘Nothing,’ she said, her voice echoing her despair, Antikas swore, then ran for the horses. Starfire was still saddled and the warrior heeled him back towards the temple. The White Wolf stepped into his path and grabbed the bridle.

‘No horse will run into those flames – and even if it


did, both horse and rider would be burned to a cinder.’

‘Get out of my way!’

‘Wait!’ shouted Ulmenetha. ‘Fetch water. There may yet be something we can do.’

Several soldiers ran and collected buckets of water. Under Ulmenetha’s direction they doused the gelding. Antikas pulled off his cloak, and this too was drenched. The priestess reached up and took hold of Antikas’s hand. ‘Listen to me. I shall lower the temperature around you, but I will not be able to hold the spell for long. You must ride through at full gallop. Even then . . .’ her words tailed away.

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Categories: David Gemmell