David Gemmell. Winter Warriors

‘Do what you can,’ he said, drawing his sword.

‘The horse will swerve and throw you into the flames!’ said Banelion.

Antikas grinned. ‘Nogusta told me he would ride through the fires of Hell. Now we will see.’ Tugging on the reins he rode the giant gelding back 50 yards, then swung again to face the flames. Swirling his dripping cloak around his shoulders he waited for Ulmenetha’s signal.

She gestured towards him, and he felt a terrible chill sweep over him. With a loud battle cry he kicked Starfire into a run. The gelding powered forward, his steel shod hooves striking sparks from the stone.

Soldiers scattered ahead of him. Antikas continued to shout his battle cries as Starfire reached full gallop. As they came closer to the pillars of fire he felt the horse begin to slow. ‘On Great Heart!’ he shouted. ‘On!’

The gelding responded to his call.

And the flames engulfed them.

Bakilas was about to attack when suddenly flames burst around the temple, and a fierce glow shone through the


windows bathing the temple in crimson light. Then came the beating of giant wings and Nogusta saw the mon­strous form of Anharat glide down from an upper window. The wings beat furiously as his huge form descended, and a great wind blew across the temple sending up a dust storm, and exposing the mosaic at the centre of the floor. It was a surreal sight, for the exposed mosaic depicted a winged creature, with long talons, and blood-red eyes – the mirror image of the creature now hovering above it.

Conalin stood on the dais, the queen and her babe behind him. The boy wanted to run, but in that moment remembered the bravery of Dagorian and the courage of Bison. He drew his sword and stood his ground, tiny against the monstrous creature before him. The beast’s talons scrabbled on the mosaic floor and his wings stretched out a full 20 feet in both directions. He gazed at Conalin through blood-red eyes. ‘It is fitting that I find you all in my own temple,’ he said. He looked beyond the boy, his gaze fixing on Axiana. ‘Your work is done, my queen,’ he said. ‘You have delivered salvation for my people.’

Nogusta was about to attack the beast, but felt a cold blade against his throat. Bakilas spoke. ‘You have done all that you can, human. And I respect you for it. Lay down your sword.’ Nogusta’s blade flashed up, knock­ing away the Krayakin’s sword. He lunged at the black-armoured warrior, but Bakilas sidestepped and parried the Storm Sword, sending a riposte that slammed into Nogusta’s ribs. As the blade plunged home, and terrible pain tore through him, Nogusta reached out and grabbed Bakilas’s sword arm. Then, with the last of his strength he rammed his own blade into Bakilas’s belly. The Krayakin cried out, then fell back, pulling Nogusta


with him. They both fell to the ground. Nogusta struggled to rise, but his legs failed him, and he slumped down. Bakilas reared over him, dragging his sword clear of Nogusta’s body. Then he rose unsteadily and advanced towards the dais.

Anharat moved towards Conalin, who stood on the dais, holding Bison’s sword before him.

‘You have only moments to live, child,’ said Anharat. ‘I shall tear out your heart.’

He started to move, when suddenly there came the sound of distant chimes. Dust motes hung in the air, and the boy stood unblinking before him.

Time stood still and the shining figure of Emsharas appeared on the dais, next to the statue-still queen and the frozen, armoured figure of Bakilas.

‘You are in time to see my victory, brother,’ said Anharat.

‘Indeed I am, brother. And tell me what you will achieve?’

‘I will undo your spell, and the Illohir will walk upon the earth.’

‘And they will be consigned to the void, one by one. It may take centuries, but in the end you will all be returned to the place that is Nowhere,’ said Emsharas.

‘And where will you be?’ roared Anharat. ‘What place of pleasure have you found that you have not shared with your people?’

‘You still do not see, Anharat,’ said Emsharas, sadly. ‘Do you truly not know what became of me? Think, my brother. What could prevent you finding me? We are twin souls. Since the dawn of time we have been together. Where could I go that you could not feel my soul?’

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Categories: David Gemmell