Deadspawn by Brian Lumley

‘Then give me the sum of all the numbers between one and one hundred, inclusive.’

Five thousand and fifty, Pythagoras’s answer had been instantaneous.

‘A lightning calculator,’ Harry had been right. ‘Among the less practical mathematicians – the theoretical mathematicians – why, you’d be like a talking slide-rule! I think that for a dead man you’ve a great future, Pythagoras.’

But it was such a simple thing. The Greek had been flattered. And known by heart. Multiplication, division, addition and subtraction – aye, and trigonometry, too -I’ve done it all so often. There isn’t an angle I can’t calculate.

There you are.’ Harry had smiled. And, however drily: ‘Believe me, there aren’t many today who know all the angles.’

And you, Harry? Are you a lightning calculator? Harry hadn’t wished to shatter him. ‘Ah, but with me it’s different, intuitive.’

Between one and a million, then!

‘500,000,500,000,’ the Necroscope had answered almost in the same breath. ‘Take ten and multiply it by itself as many times as you like, and it works every time. Half of ten is five; put the two halves together again: 55. Half of a hundred is fifty, put the halves together: 5,050. And so on. “Magic” to some, intuition to me.’

Pythagoras had been downcast. Why would they need me when they already have you?

‘Because, as I’ve stated, I may not be here too long. It’s like you said: the world is a small place. And it’s hard to find a hiding place.’

On the outskirts of Tigani he’d found a small taverna and seated himself in its shade, and ordered ouzo with a dash of lemonade. English girls splashed in the warm, blue waters of a small, rocky bay. Their breasts were shiny and Harry could smell the oil of coconut from here. Pythagoras had picked the picture from Harry’s mind and scowled at it. Perhaps it’s as well I’m unbodied to stay, he’d commented, darkly. Like vampires, they deplete a man.

For a moment the Necroscope had been caught off guard, but then: ‘Ah!’ he’d answered. ‘But there are vampires and there are vampires . . .’


Someone Dying

The Necroscope’s vampire – as yet a mere tadpole of alien, parasitic contamination – was immature. As such it had no desire for conflict either internal or external but wished only to evolve and get on with the long process of its host’s conversion; which was why its influence was mainly enervating. Keep Harry mentally and emotionally drained, and he’d be less likely to jeopardize himself. Which by definition meant that he’d be less likely to jeopardize his horrific tenant. Hence his flashes of Wamphyri-awareness (half-glimpsed knowledge of burgeoning, ungovernable Power) and the burning need to argue and cross-examine, even to engage his own mind in long spells of intense self-inquisition, despite the bouts of inwardly-directed anger and mental exhaustion which invariably resulted.

But quite apart from the Necroscope’s mind, his blood was also aware that the invader was here; it seemed filled with a weird psychic fever which kept him jumpy and constantly on guard. He was a man with a volcano inside him, which for now merely simmered and let off a little steam. Not knowing when the volcano was set to go off, he couldn’t relax but must hold the cap firmly in place, and listen with a rapt, horrified and yet curious intentness to the rumbling within.

On the one hand Harry would like to test out his Wamphyri talents to the full (for they were part of him even now, while yet the physical side of the thing was still embryonic) but on the other he knew that to do so would be to accelerate the process. For one thing was certain: however immature his symbiont might be, it was also fast-growing and fast-learning. No slow starter, this vampire.

But while the parasite like all its kind would be dogged, the Necroscope was no less tenacious in his own right. His son had managed to keep his vampire in order, hadn’t he? Like son, like father: Harry would do his damnedest to follow suit.

Except that would be hard enough in itself without the current recalcitrance of the Great Majority . . . and the knowledge or at least strong suspicion that E-Branch was gearing itself for war . . . and the fact that despite all of this Harry had determined to bring a certain fiend to justice but first must find him.

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Categories: Brian Lumley