Deadspawn by Brian Lumley

He was wearing a long coat which was all dark-stained leather on the outside and brown fur inside; he took it off as he approached me and threw it down on me. ‘Get on it,’ he said, panting with some weird emotion. But his voice was just as cold as the place where he planned to have me, which I now saw was a meat safe. Beast carcases, all grey, brown and red, hung from rows of hooks. And the layer of ice on the floor was frozen beast blood.

There . . . there doesn’t have to be any rough stuff,’ I told him. ‘We can do it just as you say.’ And freezing cold though I was I opened my blouse and hitched up my mini to show him my frilly panties.

He looked down on me in that unsmiling way of his, and I saw that his face was all puffy and bloated, and his eyes winking like little lumps of shiny coal in the swollen red mask of his face. ‘Just as I say?’ He repeated my words.

‘Any way at all. And I swear it will be good. Only just don’t hurt me. And you can trust me. Afterwards … I won’t say a word.’ I lied like hell. I wanted to live.

Take ’em off,’ he panted. ‘Everything.’

God, there was no soul behind his voice, nothing behind his eyes. There was just the steam-heat of his body and the pounding of his feverish blood. I could feel how strong he was, and how weird and different. ‘Quickly!’ he said, and his voice was a croak and his gorged face was wobbling with strain and horrible excitement.

I had to do what he told me, keep him happy. But I was so cold my fingers wouldn’t obey me. I couldn’t get my clothes off. He got down on one knee and I could see tools glinting in the loops of his wide leather belt. One of them was a meat-hook, which he took out and showed me!

When I gasped and turned my face away, he tore my jacket right off my back; my blouse, too. Then he put the hook in the top of my skirt and ripped it down through the plastic belt and material, laying it open. He ripped open my panties in the same way. And all I could do was huddle there as cold as one of the dead animals on its hook. And I thought: What if he uses that hook on me? But he didn’t. Not the hook.

Then he was tearing his clothes off: not his upper clothes, just his pants. And I knew this was it. But a man as strong and as dangerous as this could hurt me badly. I had to make it as easy for him – as easy for myself – as possible. I opened my legs and stroked my bush of cold hair. And God help me, I tried to smile at him. ‘It’s all here,’ I said, my words turning to snow as they came out. ‘All for you.’

‘Eh?’ he grunted, looking at me, his penis huge and jerking about on its own, with a life of its own. ‘All for me? All for Johnny? That?’ And then he smiled. And he took up another of his tools.

This one was like a knife, but it was hollow and had been cut from steel tubing about an inch and a half in diameter, cut at an angle, to give it a sharp point. And its edges had been sharpened to razor brightness.

‘Oh, God!’ I gasped then, for I couldn’t hold my terror any longer. And I clutched at myself and tried to cover my nakedness. But my driver, my all-too-soon-to-be murderer, that . . . that thing, he only laughed. There was no emotion in it, not as I understood emotion, but he laughed anyway.

‘Yes, cover yourself,’ he gurgled at me, the saliva of his lust overflowing from his wobbling, grimacing mouth. ‘Cover it up, girlie. For Johnny doesn’t want your ugly little fuckie hole. Johnny makes his own holes!’

He moved closer and his flesh was alive and leaping, bursting for me. And then . . . and then . . .

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Categories: Brian Lumley