Desperado by Sandra Hill

She stood indignantly. “Money again? Everything comes back to material goods for you, doesn’t it? Is there anything more important to you than money?”

His eyes traveled over her body in a slow, smoldering sweep. “Well, there is one thing.”

“Forget I asked.” She glared at him. “What about me? What am I supposed to do while you gallivant off to prospect?”

He smiled optimistically. “You gallivant along with me. We’ll be partners. We can share a claim. It’ll be fun, Helen. Really. An adventure. We’ll get rich together.”

She rolled her eyes. “How long?”

“Just a few weeks. Maybe less.”

“What if I refuse to go?”

“I’m taking my harness with me. You can do whatever you want.” Actually, he cared a whole lot about what she decided, and he would never leave her behind, no matter what he’d just implied. He’d even force her to accompany him if she balked.

“You can’t do this.”

“Wanna bet?”

“What about all this teamwork baloney you just threw around?”

“We’re still a team, baby. It’s your choice whether you want to come with me or not.” He crossed his fingers behind his back at his small lie.

“I don’t believe this!” she exclaimed, then spun on her heel and started to walk toward the stream.

“Where are you going?” he asked worriedly. Knowing her, she might have a grenade in her back pocket and make him the target. “To bathe again?” he quipped with forced lightness in his voice.

“No, I’m going to brush my teeth. I’ve got a real bad taste in my mouth right now.”

“Where’d you get a toothbrush? Did you bring it with you? How farsighted of you!” He was trying to change the subject and get her in a better mood.

“No, I’m going to make one with a shredded twig. Didn’t you learn anything in survival class?”

“A twig?” Rafe muttered, his brow furrowed. Yeah, now that he thought about it, he remembered, but he wasn’t exactly sure how it was done. “Hey, can you make me one, too?”

She said something incomprehensible through gritted teeth.

“I guess that means no.”

This time, the words she sliced back at him were very comprehensible… and graphic… and not like Helen at all. Maybe it would take a little longer for her to adjust to his minor detour back to the future.

Rafe lay back on the blanket, very satisfied with the course he’d laid for them. His eyes drifted shut. It had been a long, tiring day, and he suddenly realized how much he craved sleep. Plus, he would need his wits later when they made their escape. Just a few winks.

He was jolted awake a short time later by a hand clamped on his arm, shaking him.

“Wha-at?” he said groggily.

Pablo peered down at him. And in the distance he heard the oddest noise, “Glug, glug, glug, glug, glug…”

“What is that?” Pablo asked, pointing to the stream.

Rafe watched as Helen raised a cupped hand of water to her mouth, swished the liquid around, “Glug, glug, glug, glug, glug…” then spit it out.

“Gargling,” Rafe told the awestruck bandit. Son of a bitch! Even in a time-travel nightmare, she was concerned about every detail of dental hygiene. She would probably floss, too.

“Glug. glug, glug, glug, glug.”

“Is she practicing one of her sexual tricks?” Pablo asked.

“Maybe,” Rafe said with chuckle. “Yeah, I think she did mention a new trick she wanted to try.”

“Gargling, it’s called?”

“Yep,” Rafe said and lay back down, smiling. His eyes closed once again. That would teach Helen to refuse to make him a toothbrush.

“Corkscrewing and gargling,” he heard Pablo telling Sancho and Ignacio in the background before he dozed off again.

“Ooohm. Ooohm. Ooohm.”

Rafe emerged from sleep once again, this time to the low chanting hum.

“Ooohm. Ooohm. Ooohm.”

Rafe didn’t want to open his eyes.

“Ooohm. Ooohm. Ooohm.”

But the annoying chant just went on and on. Maybe it was an owl or some wild animal. Like a raccoon. Or a bear. A bear! He cracked one eyelid halfway.

Helen. Why was he not surprised?

“Ooohm. Ooohm. Ooohm.”

She was sitting with her legs folded in one of those lotus positions that he recalled an old dancer girlfriend of his had used for meditation. Her back was erect, arms crossed over her chest, and she stared straight ahead.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra