Desperado by Sandra Hill

Okay, two could play this game.

“Ooohm, ooohm, ooohm, ooohm….”

He shifted himself into that hippie-dippie lotus position, which wasn’t too easy. His knees cracked and his legs didn’t want to fold like a pretzel. At last, after a few swear words and some straining thigh muscles, he succeeded and faced her over the flames.

She was gaping at him in astonishment, her concentration broken. Good!

“What are you doing?”

“Meditating. Finding my center.” He looked down, then back at her. “It’s still there,” he informed her with a wink.

She tsked prissily and resumed her ooohming. He joined in, much to her chagrin.

“Aaahm, aaahm, aaahm, aaahm….” he hummed, deliberately misspeaking her refrains, just to annoy her.

“Ooohm, ooohm, ooohm, ooohm,…” she said, but he could tell he’d succeeded. She was annoyed.

“Aaahm, aaahm, aaahm, aaahm,…” he continued for a really long, boring time. About a minute. “This is so-o-o soothing, Helen,” he lied. “We should do this more often.”

“Ooohm, ooohm, ooohm, ooohm….” She was staring through him, as if she was in a trance.

He couldn’t have that. He decided to go for variety in the tempo. When she ooohmed, he interjected an aaahm. “Oooohm, aaahm, ooohm, aaahm, ooohm, aaahm…”

“Would you stop that?” she snapped.

“Why? Am I breaking your karma?”

“No. You just sound stupid.” Then she tuned him out again, turning on her zombie face. “Ooohm, ooohm, ooohm…”

He was tired of meditating. He wanted to explore. “How ’bout we do forms now? Naked forms. Yeah, I think I could manage those.”

She didn’t even break an ooohm. In fact, she pretended she hadn’t heard him. Maybe she hadn’t. Maybe he needed a bigger shock to her senses.

“So, Prissy, did I ever tell you I can make my tongue have an erection?”

He heard her sharp intake of air before her jaw dropped in amazement. No more ooohms now.

“You are pathetic.”

“Yeah.” He grinned.

“You lie.”

He jiggled his eyebrows. “Do you think so?” He crooked a finger at her. “Why don’t you rhumba on over here and find out?”

Her lips twitched. Then he heard a slight giggle, followed by a spontaneous laugh.


She pulled the blanket tighter around her body and stood, walking awkwardly over to his side of the fire. He forced his hands to his sides, even though he really wanted to pull her down on top of him.

“Well?” she said, glaring down at him.

“Well what?”

“Well, show me, you fool.”

“What? You expect me to have an instant tongue hard-on without any foreplay?” he said, snickering.

She pointed to his erection, “It doesn’t seem to have any trouble rising to the occasion.”

“It has no class. My tongue is a more refined instrument. It needs… Well, maybe if you dropped that toga, it would — ”

“Toga?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Blanket. Shroud. Tent. Whatever.”

Before he had a chance to blink, she let the folds fall open to the ground and kicked them aside.

And Rafe’s tongue did, indeed, seem to grow three sizes and appear to have a mind of its own. He was speechless.

Helen got tremendous satisfaction out of turning Rafe speechless. She looked down as he sputtered for breath, his eyes wide with appreciation of her nude body. Gee, she wished she had her clipboard now. She’d like to take notes on fifty ways to turn Rafe speechless, starting with female nudity.

God help me, but I think I love you, she mimicked Rafe in her head. Then, It was probably just a line. The jerk couldn’t fool her. He loved her, all right.

She guessed she’d just have to teach him a lesson.

Stepping over his body, she used the instep of each foot to frame his hips. “Say it,” she ordered.

“Tongue hard-on.”

“Not that.” She could tell he enjoyed verbal sparring with her. The lout! She touched his erection with her big toe.

He shot up off the blanket about four feet. “Holy hell!”

She was pretty sure the tremor going through his body was from extreme pleasure. She’d never dreamed she could be so bold or uninhibited or excited. Or in love.

Openly amused, she pushed him back down with a foot braced on his chest. This was fun, being the aggressor. “Say it.”

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Categories: Hill, Sandra