Devil’s Waltz. By: Jonathan Kellerman

patch it with makeup.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hi.” I smiled and got down on the ground with Cassie. Cindy stood

there for a moment, then walked into the house. Cassie turned to watch

her, lifted her chin and opened her mouth.

“Mommy’ll be right back,” I said, and lifted her onto my lap.

She resisted for a moment. I let go. When she made no attempt to get

off, I put one hand around her soft little waist and held her. She

didn’t move for a while; then she said, “Ho-ee.”

“Horsey ride?”


“Big horsey or little horsey?”


“Okay, here we go, little horsey.” I bounced her gently. “Giddyap.”


She bounced harder and I moved my knee a little faster. She giggled

and threw her arms up into the air. Her topknot tickled my nose on

each assent.

“Giii-ahp! Giii-ahhp!”

When we stopped, she laughed, scrambled off my lap, and toddled toward

the house. I followed her into the kitchen. The room was half the

size of the one on bunbar Drive and furnished with tiredlooking

appliances. Vicki stood by the sink, one arm elbow-deep in a chromium


She said, “Well, look what the wind blew in.” The arm in the pot kept


Cassie ran to the refrigerator and tried to pull it open. She wasn’t œ

successful and began to fuss.

Vicki put the pot down, along with a piece of scouring cloth, and

placed her hands on her hips. And what do you want, young lady?”

Cassie looked up at her and pointed to the fridge.

“We have to talk to get things around here, Miss Jonesy.”

Cassie pointed again.

“Sorry, I don’t understand pointy-language.”


“What kind of eh? Potato or tomato?”

Cassie shook her head.

“Lamb or jam?” said Vicki. “Toast or roast, juice or moose?”


“Well, what is it? An ice cream or a sunbeam?”


“What’s that? Speak up.”


“I thought so.”

Vicki opened the freezer compartment and took out a quart container.

“Mint chip,” she said to me, frowning. “Frozen toothpaste, if you ask

me, but she loves it-all the kids do. You want some?”

“No, thanks.”

Cassie danced a quick little two-step of anticipation.

“let’s sit down at the table, young lady, and eat like a human


Cassie toddled to the table. Vicki put her on a chair, then pulled a

tablespoon out of a drawer and began to scoop ice cream.

“Sure you don’t want some?” she asked me.

“I’m sure, thanks.”

Cindy came in, drying her hands on a paper towel.

“Snack time, Mom,” said Vicki. “Probably ruin her dinner, but she did

pretty good on lunch. Okay with you?”

“Sure,” said Cindy. She smiled at Cassie, kissed the top of her


“I cleaned out the coffeepot,” said Vicki. “Down to the dregs.

Want some more?”

“No, I’m time.”

“Probably go out later to Von’s. Need anything?”

“No, I’m time, Vicki. Thanks.”

Vicki set a bowl of ice cream in front of Cassie and pressed the round

part of the spoon into the green, speckled mass.

“Let me soften this up-then you can go at it.”

Cassie licked her lips again and bounced in her chair. “Eye-ee!”

Cindy said, “Enjoy, sweetie-pie. I’ll be outside if you need me.”

Cassie waved bye-bye and turned to Vicki.

Vicki said, “Eat up. Enjoy yourself.”

I went back outside. Cindy was standing against the fence. Dirt was

clumped up around the redwood slats and she imbedded her toes in it.

“God, it’s hot,” she said, brushing hair out of her eyes.

“Sure is. Any questions today?”

“No. . . not really. She seems to be time. . . . I guess it’ll be.

I guess when he’s on trial is when it’s going to be hard, right? All

the attention.”

“Harder for you than her,” I said. “We’ll be able to keep her out of

the limelight.”

“Yeah. .. I guess so.”

“Not that the press won’t try to get pictures of both of you. It may

mean moving around a bit-more rented houses-but she can be shielded.”

“That’s okay-that’s all I care about. How’s Dr. Eves?”

“I spoke to her last night. She said she’d be coming by this

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