Devil’s Waltz. By: Jonathan Kellerman

Faces turned. I realized I was closest to the exit, got up and shut

the door.

“Okay,” said Afro. “The first order of business is a moment of silence

for our colleague Dr. Laurence Ashmore, so if you could all please


Everyone stood. Heads drooped. A long minute passed.

Afro said, “Okay, please be seated.” Walking to the board, he picked

up a piece of chalk and wrote: AGENDA 1. ASHMORE MEMORIAL 2.



Stepping away from the board, he said, “Is there someone who wants to

say a few words about Dr. Ashmore?”


“let me say, then, that I know I speak for all of us in condemning the

brutality of what happened to larry. And in offering our deepest

sympathy to his family. In lieu of flowers, I propose we get together

a fund and donate it to an organization of the family’s choice.

Or our choice, if it would be too disruptive to ask the family at this

point. We can decide now, or at a later date, depending on what people

feel. Anyone care to comment?”

A short-haired woman in the third row said, “How about the Poison

Control Center? He was a toxicologist.”

“Poison Control Center sounds good,” said Afro. Anyone second that?”

A hand rose in the middle of the room.

“Thanks, Barb. So moved. Anyone know the family? To inform them of

our plan?”

No response.

He looked at the woman who’d made the suggestion. “Barb, would you be

in charge of collecting the funds?”

She nodded.

All right, people, bring your donations to Barb Loman’s office in

Rheumatology and we’ll see that the Poison Control Center gets the

money, posthaste. Anything more along those lines?”

“Data,” said someone. As in, we don’t have any.”

“Could you stand and clarify, Greg?” said Afro.

A stocky, bearded man in a checked shirt and wide, floral, retro tie

rose. I thought I remembered him, as a resident, without the beard.

An Italian name.

m saying, John, is that security stinks around here.

What happened to him could have happened to any of us, and since I

certainly don’t think any deliberate attempt was made to be


“Well,” said the ponytailed woman, standing again, “was anyone else

other than physicians informed?”

Afro smiled. “This was an ad hoc medical staff meeting, Elaine, so

it’s only natural that physicians would-” “Don’t you think the rest of

the staff cares, John?” it’s our lives on the line we deserve to have

full access to information.said Afro. “I-” Exactly what happened, the

progress of the police’s investigation, as well as any measures we can

take to assure our safety.”

“There aren’t any!” a bespectacled black man across the room called

out. “Not unless the administration makes a real commitment to genuine

security-twenty-fuurhour guards at every entrance to the lot and at

each and every stairwell.”

“That means money, Hank,” said the bearded man. “Good luck.”

A ponytailed woman with dishwater hair got up.

“The money would be available, Greg,” she said, “if they got their

priorities straight. What we don’t need are more paramilitary types

obstructing our patients in the halls. What we do need is exactly what

you and Hank just said: genuine security, including selfdefense

classes, karate, Mace, personal training, whatever. Especially for

female staff. The nurses deal with this kind of threat every single

day, coming from across the street. Especially the night shift-you

know how a couple of them were beat up, and-” “I know that-” the open

lots have no security at all. As all of us are learning, from direct

experience. I drove in at five this morning on an emergency call, and

let me tell you, it felt scary, people. I also have to say I think it

was a serious mistake to limit this meeting to physicians.

This is no time for elitism. There are nurses and ancillary staff out

there suffering just like we are, working for the same goals. We

should be getting together, empowering each other, not


No one spoke.

The ponytailed woman looked around the auditorium and sat down.

Afro said, “Thank you, Elaine, your point is well taken. Though

“Western Peds women are terrzjld! Wake up, people! Everyone needs to

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