Dr. Death by Jonathan Kellerman

How hard it would be to see the shooter if he’d chosen to barricade himself among the pines.

I knew he hadn’t. He’d done his job, no reason to stick around.

Gaining access to the pines wasn’t very difficult. The same road that had swept us past the property with the broken mailbox continued its climb for another mile before forking. The right fork reversed direction, descending back down toward the coast, but never completing the journey as it dead-ended at a forest preserve named after a long-dead California settler. A state-printed sign said scenic views were up ahead, but no path was provided, the curious were proceeding at their own risk.

The party fanned out, weapons ready. An hour later, it reconvened roadside. No sign of the shooter. One of the deputies, an experienced backpacker who let us know he’d walked the John Muir Trail twice and could navigate without a compass, estimated where the shooter had stationed himself, thought he probably had the exact spot.

We followed him to the far end of the forest, where the outermost trees, granted the best light, grew tallest and thickest. Nice clear view of the ugly little cabin and adjoining acreage. Nice view of the ocean, too. As the cops talked, my eyes drifted toward blue. I spotted a steamer gliding across the horizon, dust specks in the sky that were probably gulls.

Waiting up here wouldn’t have been that bad. How long had the shooter been waiting?

How had he figured it out? Coming across the same detail I had? His copy of the file—the original file. The case of Marissa Bonpaine.

He’d claimed to be flying up to Seattle. Just a few hours ago, I’d taken him at his word, figured he wanted to review the details of Marissa’s murder, cross-reference with Michael Burke’s med-school schedule, what he knew about Mate’s murder. Discovery by hikers.

Had he flown back to L.A. to trail the “hiker,” gotten here a wee bit faster than Milo and me?

Or had Seattle been a lie and he’d never left. Figuring it out by doing exactly what I’d done: harnessing the power of obsession. Then watching, stalking, waiting… He was a patient man, had persisted so many years, another few days wouldn’t matter.

Kill-spot with a view.

Had he laid his rifle down lovingly on a rectangle of oilcloth while he ate a sandwich? Drank something from a thermos? Made sure the lens of the scope was clean?

His own little picnic. The irony …

The cops kept talking, convincing themselves they needn’t search any further, no one else was going to get shot today. I turned away from the ocean, looked down at the cabin, now fronted by coroner’s vans and squad cars, tried to see it as Leimert Fusco had seen it.

“Yeah, this has got to be it, the angle’s perfect,” said the Muir walker. “Look how it gets flat, and there’s that rock he could prop his gear against. Maybe he left some trace evidence, let’s get the techies up here.”

The techies came. Milo told me later they found nothing, not even a tire track.

That didn’t surprise me. I knew Fusco couldn’t have parked too far from his vantage point and been able to make his escape that quickly. Driving to the left-hand fork and disappearing into hills laced with side roads, most of which ended in box canyons, a few feeding to the Valley, the freeway, alleged civilization.

He’d known which road to take because he was a planner, too.

The main risk had been leaving his car at the side of the road. But even if someone had seen it, recorded the license plate for some reason, no big deal. It would end up traced back to a rented vehicle, hired with false I.D.

So, sure, he’d parked close.

No way he could’ve hiked far carrying all that gear— the military rifle, the high-grade scope.

Not with that limp.

“Easy shot,” said another deputy. “Like picking off quail. Wonder what this guy did that pissed someone off so bad.”

“Who says he did anything?” said another cop. “Nowadays, it doesn’t take anything to get some nut going.”

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