Dr. Death by Jonathan Kellerman

Quotes from Mate and Roy Haiselden followed:

“The storm troopers came for me, but I wouldn’t play passive Jew” (Mate, 1991).

“Darwin would have loved to meet [District Attorney] Clarkson. The idiot’s living proof of the missing link between pond slime and mammalian organisms” (Haiselden, 1993).

“A needle in a vein is a hell of a lot more humane than a nuclear bomb, but you don’t hear much outrage from the morality mongoloids about atomic testing, do you?” (Mate, 1995).

“Any pioneer, anyone with a vision, inevitably suffers. Jesus, Buddha, Copernicus, the Wright brothers. Hell, the guy who invented stickum on envelopes probably got abused by the idiots who manufactured sealing wax” (Mate, 1995).

“Sure, I’d go on The Tonight Show, but it ain’t gonna happen, folks! Too many stupid rules imposed by the network. Hell, I’d help someone travel on The Tonight Show if the fools who made the rules would let me.

I’d do it live—so to speak. It would be their highest-rated show, I can promise you that. They could play it during sweeps week. I’d play some music in the background—something classical. Use some poor soul with a totally compromised nervous system—maybe an advanced muscular dystrophy case—limbs out of control, tongue flapping, copious salivation, no bladder or bowel control—let them leak all over the soundstage, show the world how pretty decay and disease are. If I could do that, you’d see all that sanctimonious drivel about the nobility of life fade away pronto. I could pull off the whole thing in minutes, safe, clean, silent. Let the camera focus on the traveler’s face, show how peaceful they were once the thiopental kicked in. Teach the world that the true nature of compassion isn’t some priest or rabbi claiming to be God’s holy messenger or some government mongoloid lackey who couldn’t pass a basic biology course trying to tell me what’s life and what isn’t. ‘Cause it’s not that complex, amigos: when the brain ain’t workin’, you ain’t livin’. The Tonight Show . . . yeah, that would be educational. If they let me set it up the right way, sure, I’d do it” (Mate, 1997, in response to a press question about why he liked publicity).

“Dr. Mate should get the Nobel Prize. Double payment. For medicine and peace. I wouldn’t mind a piece of that, myself. Being his lawyer, I deserve it” (Haiselden, 1998).

Other assorted oddities, ranked lower for relevance: A three-year-old Denver news item about a Colorado “outsider” artist with the improbable name of Zero Toll-ranee who’d created a series of paintings inspired by Mate and his machine. Using an abandoned building in a run-down section of Denver, Tollrance, previously unknown, had exhibited thirty canvases. A freelance writer had covered the show for The Denver Post, citing “several portraits of the controversial ‘death doctor’ in a wide range of familiar poses: Gilbert Stuart’s George Washington, Thomas Gainsborough’s Blue Boy, Vincent van Gogh’s bandaged-ear self-portrait, Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe. Non-Mate works included collages of coffins, cadavers, skulls and maggot-infested meat. But perhaps the most ambitious of Tollrance’s productions is a faithfully rendered re-creation of Rembrandt’s Anatomy Lesson, a graphic portrayal of human dissection, with Dr. Mate serving a dual role, as scalpel-wielding lecturer as well as flayed cadaver.”

When asked how many paintings had sold, Tollrance “walked away without comment.”

Mate as cutter and victim. Be interesting to talk to Mr. Tollrance. Save. Print.

Two citations from a health-issues academic bulletin board posted by Harvard University: a geriatric study found that while 59.3 percent of the relatives of elderly patients favored legalizing physician-assisted suicide, only 39.9 percent of the old people agreed. And a study done at a cancer treatment center found that two-thirds of the American public endorsed assisted death but 88 percent of cancer patients suffering from constant pain had no interest in exploring the topic and felt that a doctor’s bringing it up would erode their trust.

In a feminist resource site I found an article in a journal called S(Hero) entitled “Mercy or Misogyny: Does Dr. Mate Have a Problem with Women?” The author wondered why 80 percent of Mate’s “travelers” had been female. Mate, she claimed, had never been known to have a relationship with a woman and had refused to answer questions about his personal life. Freudian speculation followed.

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