impossible. This wasn’t helped by the fact that it had two rotors instead of

the customary one.

The passengers were a very mixed bag indeed. Apart from de Graaf and his

justice Minister, Robert Kondstall, there were four cabinet ministers, of

whom only the Minister of Defence could claim any right to be aboard. The

other three, including, incredibly, the Minister of Education, were aboard

only because of the influence they wielded and their curiosity about things

that in no way concerned them. Much the same could have been said about the

senior air force officer, the brigadier and rear-admiral who sat together

behind de Graaf. Flight evaluation purposes had been their claim. The

evaluation tests had been completed a week ago: they were along purely as

rubber-neckers. The same could be said of the two experts from the

Rijkswaterstaat and the two from the Delft Hydraulics laboratory.

Superficially, it would have seemed, their presence could be more than

justified, but as the pilot had firmly stated that he had no intention of

setting his Chinook down in floodwaters and the experts, portly gentlemen

all, had indicated that they had no intention of descending by winch or

rope ladder only to be swept away, it was difficult to see how their

presence could be justified. The handful of journalists and cameramen

aboard could have claimed a right to be there: but even they were to admit

later that their trip had hardly been worthwhile.

The Chinook, flying at no more than two hundred metres and


about half a kilometre out to sea, was directly opposite Oosterend when

the sea dyke broke. It was a singularly unspectacular explosion – a little

sound, a little smoke, a little rubble, a little spray – but effective

enough for all that: the Waddenzee was already rushing through the narrow

gap and into the polder beyond. Less than half a khometre from the

entrance to the gap an ocean-going tug was already headed towards the

breach. As the pilot turned his Chinook westwards, presumably to see what

the conditions were like in the polder, de Graaf leaned over to one of the

Rijkswaterstaat experts. He had to shout to make himself heard.

‘How bad is it, Mr Okkerse? How long do you think it will take to seal

off the break?’

‘Well, damn their souls, damn their souls! Villains, devils, monsters!’

Okkerse clenched and unclenched his hands. ‘Monsters, I tell you, sir,

monsters!’ Okkerse was understandably upset. Dykes, the construction,

care and maintenance of, were his raison detre.

‘Yes, yes, monsters,’ de Graaf shouted. ‘How long to fix that?’

‘Moment.’ Okkerse rose, lurched forwards, spoke briefly to the pilot and

lurched his way back to his seat. ‘Got to see it first. Pilot’s taking

us down.’

The Chinook curved round, passing over the waters flooding across the

first reaches of the polder and came to hover some fifteen metres above

the ground and some twenty metres distant. Okkerse pressed his nose

against a window. After only a few seconds he turned away and gave the

wave off signal to the pilot. The Chinook curved away inland.

‘Clever fiends,’ Okkerse shouted. ‘Very clever fiends. It’s only a small

breach and they chose the perfecfmoment for it.’

‘What does the time of day matter?’

‘It matters very much. Rather, the state of the tide matters. They didn’t

pick high tide, because that would have caused heavy flooding and great


‘So they can’t be all that villainous?’

Okkerse didn’t seem to hear him. ‘And they didn’t Pick low tide because

they knew – how, I can’t even guess – that we


would do what we are just about to do and that is to block the gap with

the bows of a vessel. Which is what we are about to do with the bows of

that ocean-going tug down there. At low water the tug probably wouldn’t

have found enough water to get close to the dyke.’ He shook his head. ‘I

don’t like any of this.’

‘You think our friends have inside information?’

‘I didn’t say that.’

‘I suggested that to your friend Jon de Jong. That those people have

either an informant in or somebody employed in the Rijkswaterstaat.’

‘Ridiculous! Impossible! In our organization? Preposterous!’

‘That’s more or less what Jon said. Nothing’s impossible. What makes you

think your people are immune to penetration? Look at the British Secret

Service where security is supposed to be a religion. They’re penetrated

at regular intervals and with painful frequency. If it can happen to them

with all their resources, it’s ten times more likely to happen to you.

That’s beside the point. How long to seal the breach?’

‘The tug should block off about eighty per cent of the flow. The tide’s

going out. We’ve got everything ready to hand -concrete blocks, matting,

divers, steel plates, quick-setting concrete. A few hours. Technically,

a minor job. That’s not what worries me.’

De Graaf nodded, thanked him and resumed his seat beside Kondstaal.

‘Okkerse says it’s no problem, sir. Straightforward repair job.’

‘Didn’t think it would be a problem. The villains said there would be

minimal damage and they seem to mean what they say. That’s not what

worries me.’

‘That’s what Okkerse has just said. The worry is, of course, that they

can carry out their threats with impunity. We’re in an impossible

situation. What would you wager, sir, that we don’t receive another

threat this evening?’

‘Nothing. There’s no point in wondering what those people are up to.

They’ll doubtless let us know in their own good time. And there’s no

point, I suppose, in asking you what progress you’ve made so far.’


De Graaf concentrated on lighting his cheroot and said nothing.

Sergeant Westenbrink wore an off-white boiler suit, unbuttoned from throat

to waist to show off a garishly patterned and coloured Hawaiian shirt, a

Dutch bargee’s cap and a circular brass earring. Compared to those among

whom he lived and had his being, Vasco, van Effen thought, looked positively

underdressed but was still outlandish enough to make himself and the two men

sitting opposite him across the table in the booth in the Hunter’s Horn look

the pillars of a respectable society. One of them, clad in an immaculately

cut dark grey suit, was about van Effen’s age, darkly handsome, slightly

swarthy, with tightlycurled black hair, black eyes and, when he smiled –

which was often – what appeared to be perfect teeth. Any Mediterranean

country, van Effen thought, or, at the outside, not more than two

generations removed. His companion, a short, slightly balding man of perhaps

ten or fifteen years older than the other, wore a conservative dark suit and

a hairline moustache, the only really and slightly unusual feature in an

otherwise unremarkable face. Neither of them looked the slightest bit like

a bona fide member of the criminal classes but, then, few successful

criminals ever did.

The younger man – he went, it seemed, by the name of Romero Agnelli, which

might even have been his own -produced an ebony cigarette-holder, a Turkish

cigarette and a gold inlaid onyx lighter; any of which might have appeared

affected or even effeminate on almost any man: with Agnelli, all three

seemed inevitable. He lit the cigarette and smiled at van Effen.

‘You will not take it amiss if I ask one or two questions.’ He had a

pleasant baritone voice and spoke in English. ‘One cannot be too careful

these days.’

‘I cannot be too careful any day. If your question is pertinent, of course

I’ll answer it. If not, I won’t. Am I – ah – accorded the same privilege?’



‘Except you can ask more what you consider pertinent questions than I


‘I don’t quite understand.’

‘Just that I take it that we’re talking on a potential employer employee

relationship. The employer is usually entitled to ask more questions.’

‘Now I understand. I won’t take advantage of that. I must say, Mr

Danilov, that you look more like the employer class yourself.’And indeed,

van Effen’s over-stuffed suit and padded cheeks did lend a certain air

of prosperity. It also made him look almost permanently genial. ‘Am I

mistaken in thinking that you carry a gun?’

‘Unlike you, Mr Agnelli, I’m afraid I’m not in the habit of patronizing

expensive tailors.’

‘Guns make me nervous.’The disarming smile didn’t show a trace of


‘Guns make me nervous, too. That’s why I carry one in case I meet a man

who is carrying one. That makes me very nervous.’ Van Effen smiled,

removed his Biretta from its shoulder holster, clicked out the magazine,

handed it to Agnelli and replaced his pistol. ‘That do anything for your


Agnelli smiled. ‘All gone.’

‘Then they shouldn’t be.’ Van Effen reached below the table and came up

with a tiny automatic. ‘A Lilliput, a toy in many ways, but lethal up to

twenty feet in the hands of a man who can fire accurately.’ He tapped out

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Categories: MacLean, Alistair