Gemmell, David – Dark Moon

‘One problem at a time, old one.’ They talked on for more than an hour, discussing possible strategies, then Karis called a halt. ‘I will sleep on it,’ she said. Necklen rose to go, but she lifted her hand. ‘Wait for a few moments, my friend,’ she said.

‘What else is troubling you?’ he asked.

She gave a wistful smile. ‘Nothing of great importance – not to the city anyway,’ she told him. ‘You once told me about your wife. Did you love her?’

‘Ay, I did. She was a fine woman.’

‘How did you know you loved her?’

The question took Necklen by surprise. ‘I can’t say I know what you mean, princess,’ he said. ‘How does anyone know? It just happens.’ She looked disappointed, but said nothing and Necklen felt he had failed her. ‘How do you feel when you are in love?’ he asked.

She shrugged. ‘I never have been.’

‘But you’ve . . .’ he faltered.

‘Had a hundred lovers,’ she finished for him. ‘I know. I’ve always been careful. Never rutted with a man who touched my soul.’

‘In Heaven’s name, why?’

Karis half-filled a goblet with wine, then added water. But she did not drink; she merely stared into the wine’s crimson depths. Necklen was about to ask her again when she looked up. ‘I don’t remember how old I was when I first saw my father punch my mother. But I was very small. I saw her thrown across a table, and lying upon the floor with blood seeping from her smashed lips. He kicked her then, and I began screaming. Then he struck me.’

‘What has this to do with your falling in love? I don’t see the connection.’

‘You don’t? She married for love. It destroyed her.’

‘And you feel it would happen to you? Why should it?’ he asked. ‘You think all men are like your father?’

‘Yes,’ she answered, simply. ‘They all want control. They see women as possessions, and I will not be possessed.’

‘Forin,’ he said. ‘You are in love with Forin. He is the

last person you think of before going to sleep, and the first person you see in your mind’s eye when you wake. Yes?’ She nodded. ‘Ah, princess, you are a fine, intelligent lass, and yet dumb as a jackass. Of course love is dangerous and wild and irresponsible. By Heaven, that’s what makes it so wonderful!’

‘You think me stupid?’ she asked him, her voice soft, barely above a whisper.

‘I adore you, princess, but you should not be looking at love through the eyes of the frightened child you once were. Let me go and find him. I’ll send him to you.’ As Necklen pushed himself to his feet, Karis rose and stepped close to kiss his bearded cheek.

‘I love you, old man,’ she said. ‘I wish you had been my father.’

‘I love you too,’ he said.

And, with despair in his heart, strode off to find Forin.

The sun was high in the sky as Ozhobar and Vint stood on the parapet of the north wall watching the Daroth toil. ‘They have hit rock,’ said Ozhobar. ‘It has slowed them considerably.’

‘Maybe they will not be able to pass it,’ suggested the swordsman hopefully.

‘They will pass it,’ said Ozhobar grimly. ‘Before long we will be able to hear them below us, like termites.’ He switched his gaze to the soldiers on the wall; they were stern of face, and there was little conversation. The celebrations in the city had died away as the news spread of the new Daroth initiative. Already citizens had begun to report sounds under­ground, which they became convinced were Daroth engineers. It was hard to allay the fears, and fresh

columns of refugees had already started to stream towards the south.

The smell of onion soup drifted up to them. ‘I cannot stand another day of that,’ said Vint. ‘Join me for breakfast?’

‘I thought you wanted to kill me,’ Ozhobar observed.

‘I also want to eat,’ said Vint coldly. The two men left the ramparts and walked to a nearby tavern, where they breakfasted on eggs, bacon and beef, washed down with cider. ‘Where are you from?’ Vint asked the Weapon Maker.

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Categories: David Gemmell