Gemmell, David – Dark Moon

‘I hear you have a new mistress,’ said Karis. ‘Is she sweet?’

‘Indeed she is,’ he told her. ‘She even tells me she loves me.’

‘And does she?’

‘Who can say? I am rich, and I am powerful. Many women would find that attractive in itself.’

‘So modest, Saro,’ she chided him. ‘You are also handsome and witty. I don’t doubt that you provide your partners with great physical joy.’

‘How kind,’ he said. ‘Are you still cavorting with that mercenary lieutenant . . . Giriak?’

She nodded, then sat up and drained her brandy. ‘He is young and strong.’

‘And has he fallen in love with you?’

She shrugged. ‘He uses the words wonderfully, with exquisite timing. I think that might be the same thing, don’t you?’

‘It certainly is for me,’ he conceded. ‘But then I am not entirely sure I know what love is. Neither do you, dear heart. . . unless of course we are talking of your first love, battle.’

Her eyes narrowed. ‘You misread me, Sirano.’

He chuckled with genuine humour. ‘I do not believe that I do. There are many in all the Duchies who wish for this war to be ended, but you are not among them. War is life to you. The day peace comes – and come it will one day when I win – you will know panic.’

‘I think not. Panic is alien to me. However, this conversation is entirely hypothetical. The forces are too even for there to be a decisive end to the conflict. Added to which there are the mercenary armies; they follow only gold. When you Dukes seek to end the battles, what do you think will become of them? Will they lay down their arms and return to the land? No, Saro. You and your noble friends and enemies have loosed the wolves. You will not round them up easily.’

He shrugged. ‘These are problems for another day.’ His gaze returned to her silk-clad limbs. ‘You really are very attractive,’ he said. ‘One day we should get to know one another a little better.’

‘One day,’ she agreed. For a moment neither of them spoke, then Karis rose and refilled her brandy glass. ‘Have you unlocked the secrets of the Pearl?’ she asked him.

‘I think we are close,’ he said. ‘I believe it to be a power source of some kind.’

‘You said the same thing two months ago,’ she reminded him.

‘Patience is one of my virtues,’ he replied. ‘So far we have tried probe spells of increasing power. Nothing pierces the Pearl. Yet even as we speak my sorcerers are preparing themselves for the ritual of Aveas. I think we will have answers today. It is one of the reasons I asked you to wait with me.’

Karis sipped her brandy, then returned to the couch. This time she did not stretch herself out, but sat on the edge of the seat. ‘I am not a magicker, Saro, but do the spells of Aveas not require a death?’

‘I am afraid that they do. But needs must when demons threaten, as they say.’

‘And what will it achieve, this murder?’ she asked him.

‘That is hard to say. I tend to think that when wizards talk of human sacrifice they are at their wits’ end. But I have studied enough to know that great magic can be conjured from terror. And there is nothing more terrifying than to be chained to an altar, with a knife raised above your heart.’

Before she could answer, there came a knock at the study door. ‘Enter!’ he called.

A tall, thin man wearing long robes of blue velvet entered and bowed. He was bald, the skin of his face stretched tight around a large skull. ‘It would be good,’ Sirano told him, ‘if you have brought me welcome news.’

‘Something of interest has occurred, lord,’ answered the

man, his voice low and deep. ‘It is something I think you should witness for yourself.’

‘We will join you presently,’ said Sirano, waving his hand and dismissing the wizard. After he had left, Karis rose to leave. ‘Wait!’ Sirano ordered.

‘I do not wish to see it,’ she said. ‘Human sacrifice does not interest me.’

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Categories: David Gemmell