Gemmell, David – Lion of Macedon 01

‘See to the other one,’ the sorceress told the blind girl.

‘They are killers! They deserve to die!’ she shouted.

But the old woman ignored her and the young priestess moved to the body of Pendar, laying her hand over the chest wound. Leucion watched in silent amazement as the wound closed. Pendar awoke and gazed up at the blind healer.

‘Did they harm you?’ he asked her. She shook her head. ‘Am I dying?’

‘No. You are well,’ she told him.

Leucion stood dazed and blinking in the sunlight. The wind picked up and the eagle continued its flight as he stumbled to Tamis. ‘I don’t know … I have never . . .’ But the words would not come.

Pendar rose and took his friend’s arm. ‘Are you well now, Leucion?’

Suddenly the leader began to weep. ‘You know me, Pendar. I would never … do such a thing.’

Tamis turned to Derae, but said nothing. The young priestess stepped forward, taking Leucion by the hand. ‘Go from here to Tyre,’ she said coldly. ‘There you will find what you seek.’

‘I am sorry,’ he told her.

‘Nothing happened of any importance,’ Derae assured him.

Pendar gathered up Derae’s dress and wrapped it around her, tying the torn pieces together.

‘And you, Pendar, should return to Athens, where your family have need of you.’

‘I will, lady,’ he promised.


After the men had gone Tamis walked to the pool and splashed cold water to her face. Derae sat beside her.

‘Why did you stop me?’ asked Derae.

‘You touched Leucion, you know why he came. The Chaos Spirit was working within him.’

‘But I could have killed him.’

‘And who would have won, Derae? Who would gain the victory? The Dark God cares nothing for Leucion. He knew the man could not destroy you, it was you he was seeking to test. We cannot use his weapons. Every small victory gained that way leads to a future defeat. I know, I have killed men. Leucion will find love and happiness in Tyre. He will raise sons, good men, proud men. But he will never forget this day.’

‘Nor shall I,’ said Derae with a smile. Tamis could sense her pleasure and for a fleeting moment she merged with her, touching her soul like an unheard whisper. The Spartan woman was recalling with satisfaction how the men had fallen upon their comrade. She was relishing the memory of power.

Tamis pushed herself to her feet and returned to her room. She was tired and failed to see the black shadow forming on the wall behind her as she sat down on the bed. As she poured a goblet of water and sipped it, talons slid from the wall at her back – long, and curved. The water touched an edge of rotting tooth and Tamis grunted and rose. The sun moved from behind a cloud and a shaft of light shone through the window, casting the shadow of talons on the bed. Tamis whirled as the claws slashed for her face. Her arm came up, light blazing from her fingers to become a glowing shield of gold. The talons raked across it and the wall shimmered, a huge head pushing clear of it as if the stone were no more solid than smoke. The demon’s skin was scaled, its teeth pointed. Slowly it emerged into the room, its enormous arms and taloned hands reaching for the old seeress.

‘Begone!’ thundered Tamis, pointing at the creature. But the light was fading from her hands, and she knew that she had used too much of her power on the slain man.

The demon lunged at the shield, which split in two and vanished from sight. Talons hooked into Tamis’ robes and she was dragged across the stone floor towards the gaping hole where once the wall had been.

The door opened. . . .

A blazing shaft of light smote the demon in the chest. Fire and smoke leapt from the beast and a terrible cry filled the room. The talons tore free of Tamis and the creature swung on Derae.

The Spartan woman waited until the demon was upon her, then threw out both arms. Lightning lanced from her fingers. The creature was punched from his feet; he tried to rise, but blue light encircled him, chaining his huge arms and legs.

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Categories: David Gemmell