Gemmell, David – Lion of Macedon 01

She nodded. ‘Only a little, Parmenion.’

He was exultant. She knew his name. It could only mean that she had asked about him, that she was interested in him.

‘How is it you know me?’

‘I saw your battle with Leonidas.’

‘Oh,’ he said, disappointed. ‘How so, since no women were allowed to spectate?’

‘My father is a close friend of Xenophon’s and the general allowed the three girls to watch from an upstairs window. We had to take turns, because we were not to be seen. You played an interesting game.’

‘I won,’ said Parmenion defensively.

‘I know. I have just told you I was there.’

‘I’m sorry. I thought you were criticizing me. Everyone else has.’

She nodded solemnly. ‘You didn’t even need the Sciritai. Had you advanced in Sixteen formation you would still have broken through Leonidas’ lines, since he reduced his strength to four.’

‘I know that too.’ He shrugged. ‘But I cannot take back the move.’

‘Do you still have the sword?’

‘Of course. Why would I not?’

‘It is very valuable. You might have sold it.’

‘Never! It is one of the seven swords. I will treasure it all my life.’

‘That is a pity,’ she said, moving smoothly to her feet. ‘For I would like to have bought it.’

‘What need would you have of a sword?’ he asked, rising to stand before her.

‘I would give it to my brother,’ she answered.

‘It would be a handsome gift. Do you object to my watching you run?’

‘Should I? she countered, smiling.

‘Are you betrothed?’

‘Not yet, though my father talks of it. Is this a proposal, Parmenion?’

Before he could answer a hand grabbed his shoulder, dragging him back. Instantly he spun, his fist cracking into Leonidas’ jaw and staggering him. The golden-haired Spartan rubbed his chin, then advanced.

‘Stop it!’ shouted Derae but the youths ignored her, their eyes locked together, their concentration total. Leonidas leapt forward, feinting a hook before thundering a straight right to Parmenion’s face. The smaller man rolled with the blow, grabbing Leonidas’ tunic and hammering his knee into his opponent’s groin. Leonidas grunted with pain and doubled over. Parmenion’s forehead crashed against Leonidas’ face and he sagged and half-fell. Parmenion pushed him away, then saw a large jagged stone jutting from the grass. Tearing it clear he advanced on the dazed Leonidas, wanting nothing more than to smash open his skull.

Derae leapt into his path, her open hand connecting with

his cheek like a thunderclap. His fingers circled her throat and the stone came up … he froze as he saw the terror in her eyes.

Dropping the stone, he backed away. ‘I … I am sorry … He … he is my enemy.’

‘He is my brother,’ she said, her expression as cold as the stone he had dropped.

Leonidas, recovered now, stepped alongside her. ‘You come near my sister again – and you will answer to me with a blade in your hand.’

Suddenly Parmenion laughed, but there was no humour in the sound. ‘That would be a pleasure,’ he hissed, ‘for we both know what blade I would carry. One that you will never own – though your soul yearns for it. But fear not, Leonidas, I want nothing from you – or your family.’

‘You think I fear you, peasant?’

‘If you don’t – you should. Come against me whenever you will, you arrogant pig. But know this – I will destroy you!’

Turning on his heel Parmenion stalked from the scene.


Hermias left the training ground and loped through the streets, across the market-place, arriving at the lake sanctuary as the girls were leaving. There was no sign of Parmenion, and he was about to duck away behind the trees when Derae saw him and waved. Smiling shyly, he stepped forward. Derae ran to him, kissing his cheek. ‘It is not often we see you here, cousin. Are you developing an interest in girls?’

Two of Derae’s friends moved alongside him, touching his tunic and pretending to examine the weave.

Hermias blushed. ‘I am looking for my friend, Parmenion.’

Her face darkened. ‘He was here. Now he is not,’ she snapped.

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Categories: David Gemmell