Dickens, Charles – A Child’s History of England

pay. So, the King triumphed (as he thought), by making Hampden the

most popular man in England; where matters were getting to that

height now, that many honest Englishmen could not endure their

country, and sailed away across the seas to found a colony in

Massachusetts Bay in America. It is said that Hampden himself and

his relation OLIVER CROMWELL were going with a company of such

voyagers, and were actually on board ship, when they were stopped

by a proclamation, prohibiting sea captains to carry out such

passengers without the royal license. But O! it would have been

well for the King if he had let them go! This was the state of

England. If Laud had been a madman just broke loose, he could not

have done more mischief than he did in Scotland. In his endeavours

(in which he was seconded by the King, then in person in that part

of his dominions) to force his own ideas of bishops, and his own

religious forms and ceremonies upon the Scotch, he roused that

nation to a perfect frenzy. They formed a solemn league, which

they called The Covenant, for the preservation of their own

religious forms; they rose in arms throughout the whole country;

they summoned all their men to prayers and sermons twice a day by

beat of drum; they sang psalms, in which they compared their

enemies to all the evil spirits that ever were heard of; and they

solemnly vowed to smite them with the sword. At first the King

tried force, then treaty, then a Scottish Parliament which did not

answer at all. Then he tried the EARL OF STRAFFORD, formerly Sir

Thomas Wentworth; who, as LORD WENTWORTH, had been governing

Ireland. He, too, had carried it with a very high hand there,

though to the benefit and prosperity of that country.

Strafford and Laud were for conquering the Scottish people by force

of arms. Other lords who were taken into council, recommended that

a Parliament should at last be called; to which the King

unwillingly consented. So, on the thirteenth of April, one

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Dickens, Charles – A Child’s History of England

thousand six hundred and forty, that then strange sight, a

Parliament, was seen at Westminster. It is called the Short

Parliament, for it lasted a very little while. While the members

were all looking at one another, doubtful who would dare to speak,

MR. PYM arose and set forth all that the King had done unlawfully

during the past twelve years, and what was the position to which

England was reduced. This great example set, other members took

courage and spoke the truth freely, though with great patience and

moderation. The King, a little frightened, sent to say that if

they would grant him a certain sum on certain terms, no more ship

money should be raised. They debated the matter for two days; and

then, as they would not give him all he asked without promise or

inquiry, he dissolved them.

But they knew very well that he must have a Parliament now; and he

began to make that discovery too, though rather late in the day.

Wherefore, on the twenty-fourth of September, being then at York

with an army collected against the Scottish people, but his own men

sullen and discontented like the rest of the nation, the King told

the great council of the Lords, whom he had called to meet him

there, that he would summon another Parliament to assemble on the

third of November. The soldiers of the Covenant had now forced

their way into England and had taken possession of the northern

counties, where the coals are got. As it would never do to be

without coals, and as the King’s troops could make no head against

the Covenanters so full of gloomy zeal, a truce was made, and a

treaty with Scotland was taken into consideration. Meanwhile the

northern counties paid the Covenanters to leave the coals alone,

and keep quiet.

We have now disposed of the Short Parliament. We have next to see

what memorable things were done by the Long one.


THE Long Parliament assembled on the third of November, one

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Categories: Charles Dickens