Guns Of Avalon by Roger Zelazny

“You look better every day. Bigger. . .”

“Thanks. I feel better than I did when I arrived.”

“Sir Corey of Cabra,” she said. “Where’s Cabra? What’s Cabra? Will you take me there with you, if I ask you nicely?”

“I’d tell you so,” I said, “but I’d be lying.”

“I know. But it would be nice to hear.”

“Okay. I’ll take you there with me. It’s place.”

“Are you really as good as the men say?”

“I’m afraid not. Are you?”

“Not really. Do you want to go to bed now?”

“No. I’d rather talk. Have a glass of wine.”

“Thank you. . . . Your health.”


“Why is it you are such a good swordsman?”

“Aptitude and good teachers.”

“. . . And you carried Lance all that distance and slew those beasts. . .”

“Stories grow with the telling.”

“But I have watched you. You are better than the others. That is why Ganelon made you whatever deal he did. He knows a good thing when he sees it. I’ve had many friends who were swordsmen, and I’ve watched them at practice. You could cut them to pieces. The men say you are a good teacher. They like you, even if you do scare them.”

“Why do I frighten them? Because I am strong? There are many strong men in the world. Because I can stand up and swing a blade for a long while?”

“They think there is something supernatural involved.”

I laughed.

“No, I’m just the second-best swordsman around. Pardon me-maybe the third. But I try harder.”

“Who’s better?”

“Eric of Amber, possibly.”

“Who is he?”

“A supernatural creature.”

“He’s the best?”


“Who is?”

“Benedict of Amber.”

“Is he one, too?”

“If he is still alive, he is.”

“Strange, that’s what you are,” she said. “And why? Tell me. Are you a supernatural creature?”

“Let’s have another glass of wine.”

“lt’ll go to my head.”

“Good.” I poured them.

“We are all going to die,” she said.


“I mean here, soon, fighting this thing.”

“Why do you say that?”

“It’s too strong.”

“Then why stick around?”

“I’ve no place else to go. That’s why I ask you about Cabra”

“And why you came here tonight?”

“No. I came to see what you were like.”

“I am an athlete who is breaking training. Were you born around here?”

“Yes. In the wood”

“Why’d you pick up with these guys?”

“Why not? It’s better than getting pig shit on my heels every day.”

“Never have a man of your own? Steady, I mean?”

“Yes. He’s dead. He’s the one who found . . . the Fairy Ring.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m not. He used to get drunk whenever he could borrow or steal enough to afford it and then come home and beat me. I was glad when I met Ganelon.”

“So you think that the thing is too strong, that we are going to lose to it?”


“You may be right. But I think you’re wrong.” She shrugged.

“You’ll be fighting with us?”

“I’m aftaid so.”

“Nobody knew for sure, or would say if they did. That might prove interesting. I’d like to see you fight with the goat-man.”


“Because he seems to be their leader. If you killed him, we’d have more of a chance. You might be able to do it.”

“I have to,” I said.

“Special reason?”


“Private one?”


“Good luck.”


She finished her wine, so I poured her another.

“I know he is a supernatural creature,” she said.

“Let’s get off the subject.”

“All right. But will you do me a thing?”

“Name it.”

“Put on armor tomorrow, pick up a lance, get hold of a horse, and trounce that big cavalry officer Harald.”


“He beat me last week, just like Jarl used to. Can you do it?”

“Yes “

“Will you?”

“Why not? Consider him trounced.”

She came over and leaned against me.

“I love you,” she said.


“All right. How about, I like you?”

“Good enough. I-“

Then a chill and numbing wind blew along my spine. I stiffened and resisted what was to come by blanking my mind completely.

Someone was looking for me. It was someone of the House of Amber, doubtless, and he was using my Trump or something very like it. There was no mistaking the sensation. If it was Eric, then he had more guts than I gave him credit for, since I had almost napalmed his brain the last time we had been in contact. It could not be Random, unless he was out of prison, which I doubted. If it was Julian or Caine, they could go to hell. Bleys was probably dead. Possibly Benedict, too. That left Gerard, Brand, and our sisters. Of these, only Gerard might mean me well. So I resisted discovery, successfully. It took me perhaps five minutes, and when it was finished I was shaking and sweating and Lorraine was staring at me strangely.

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger