Guns Of Avalon by Roger Zelazny

He continued to stare, waiting for me to go on. His face betrayed no emotion.

“We won because I brought riflemen,” I said. “I finally found an explosive agent that functions here.” His eyes narrowed and he nodded. I felt that he realized immediately what the stuff was and where it had come from.

“While there are many things I want to discuss with you,” I continued, “I want to take care of the enemy first. If you will hold the contact, I will send you several hundred riflemen.” He smiled.

“Hurry,” he said.

I shouted for Ganelon, and he answered me from only a few paces away. I told him to line the troops up, single file. He nodded and went off, shouting orders.

As we waited, I said, “Benedict, Dara is here. She was able to follow you through Shadow when you rode in from Avalon. I want-“

He bared his teeth and shouted: “Who the hell is this Dara you keep talking about? I never heard of her till you came along! Please tell me! I would really like to know!”

I smiled faintly.

“It’s no good,” I said, shaking my head. “I know all about her, though I have told no one else that you’ve a great granddaughter.”

His lips parted involuntarily and his eyes were suddenly wide.

“Corwin,” he said, “you are either mad or deceived. I’ve no such descendant that I know of. As for anyone following me here through Shadow, I came in on Julian’s Trump.”

Of course. My only excuse for not tripping her up immediately was my preoccupation with the conflict Benedict would have been notified of the battle by means of the Trumps. Why should he waste time traveling when an instant means of transport was at hand?

“Damn!” I said. “She is in Amber by now! Listen, Benedict! I am going to get Gerard or Caine over here to handle the transfer of the troops to you. Ganelon will come through, also. Give them their orders through him.”

I looked around, saw Gerard talking with several of the nobles. I shouted for him with a desperate urgency. His head turned quickly. Then he began running in my direction.

“Corwin! What is it?” Benedict was shouting.

“I don’t know! But something is very wrong!” I thrust the Trump at Gerard as he came up.

“See that the troops get through to Benedict!” I said. “Is Random in the palace?”


“Free or confined?”

“Free-more or less. There will be some guards about. Eric still doesn’t-didn’t trust him.” I turned.

“Ganelon,” I called out. “Do what Gerard here tells you. He is going to send you to Benedict-down there.” I gestured. “See that the men follow Benedict’s orders. I have to get into Amber now.”

“All right,” he called back.

Gerard headed in his direction, and I fanned the Trumps once more. I located Random’s and began to concentrate. At that moment, it finally began to rain. I made contact almost immediately.

“Hello, Random,” I said, as soon as his image came to life. “Remember me?”

“Where are you?” he asked.

“In the mountains,” I told him. “We just won this part of the battle, and I am sending Benedict the help he needs to clean up in the valley. Now, though, I need your help. Bring me across.”

“I don’t know, Corwin. Eric-“

“Eric is dead.”

“Then who is in charge?”

“Who do you think? Bring me across!”

He nodded quickly and extended his hand. I reached out and clasped it. I stepped forward. I stood beside him on a balcony overlooking one of the courtyards. The railing was of white marble, and not much was blooming down below. We were two stories up. I swayed and he seized my arm. “You’re hurt!” be said.

I shook my head, only just then realizing how tired I was. I had not slept very much the past few nights. That, and everything else. ..

“No,” I said, glancing down at the gory mess that was my shirt front. “Just tired. The blood is Eric’s.”

He ran a hand through his straw-colored hair and pursed his lips.

“So you did finally nail him. . .” he said softly. I shook my head again.

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger