Hades’ Daughter. Book One of the Troy Game by Sara Douglass

Asterion had four of them. The other two…

“Cornelia,” Skelton whispered, “where are you?”

” Gone!” whispered Asterion, rising out of the shadows behind Skelton. “Gone!”

QcossARy ACHATES: first-born son of CORNELIA and BRUTUS.

ACHERON, RIVER: a river of the western coast of Greece, the Acheron rises from HADES’

Underworld, then flows underground for many miles, emptying into the IONIAN SEA close to the city of

MESOPOTAMA. AEGEAN SEA: the sea that lies between the eastern coast of Greece and the western coast of present-day Turkey (ancient ANATOLIA). AEGEAN WORLD, the: a term that refers to the ancient lands and civilizations grouped about the AEGEAN SEA; principally the Greek (or MYCENAEAN)

civilization, the Cretan (MINOAN) civilization, and the Trojan civilization. AENEAS: a hero of the Trojan war against the Greeks and beloved of the gods,

Aeneas was the son of a goddess, APHRODITE, and a mortal man, Anchises.

Aeneas fled the destruction of TROY to Alba on the River Tiber in Italy. He is the great-grandfather of BRUTUS. Aeneas is dead at the time of Hades’

Daughter. AERNE: the GORMAGOG (living representative of the stag-god OG) of LLANGAR

LIA. His son by BLANGAN is LOTH. With GENVISSA he has three daughters. AETHYLLA: a Trojan woman from MELOTAPA, companion to CORNELIA. ALBION: an ancient name for the main island in the British Islands. ALDROS: captain of BRUTUS’ warship. AMORIAN: son of GOFFAR and king of POITERAN. ANATOLIA: now known as Turkey. On its west coast stood TROY, as well as many other magnificent cities. ANDRON: the dining room of a Greek house. Generally the room where men gathered to talk. ANTIGONUS: brother of PANDRASUS, father of MELANTHUS, Peleus, and An dronus.

GLOSSARY APHRODITE: goddess of love, mother of AENEAS and great-great-grandmother of BRUTUS. ARIADNE: Mistress (or High Priestess) of the LABYRINTH on Crete. Ariadne is the daughter of King Minos and half sister to the Minotaur ASTERION. Her lover is THESEUS, and her sister is Phaedre. ARIADNE’S DANCING FLOOR: the labyrinth as laid out in a pattern in a stone dancing floor. See also LABYRINTH.

ARTEMIS: Greek virgin goddess of the moon and of the hunt, sister to Apollo. ASSARACUS: a Dorian Greek of the city of MELOTAPA. Born of a Trojan mother,

Assaracus is allied with BRUTUS. ASTERION: the name of the Minotaur at the heart of the Cretan labyrinth, son of King Minos’ wife and a white bull, and thus half brother to ARIADNE, the MISTRESS


AUROCHS: massive prehistoric cattle.

BLADUD: a Llangarlian warrior.

BLANGAN: daughter of HERRON and AERNE, sister to GENVISSA, wife to CORI NEUS, mother of LOTH. BRUTUS: son of SILVIUS, great-grandson of AENEAS. An exiled Trojan.


CATASTROPHE, the: In the late Bronze Age the cities and civilizations of the MINOANS

(CRETE), the MYCENAEANS (Greece), and the Anatolians (Turkey) suffered a catastrophe so severe it destroyed most cities and ended higher civilization: for instance, Greeks lost the art of reading and writing for almost a thousand years. Some of the cities destroyed during the Catastrophe were TROY

(the most famous of all), Knossos, Tarsus, Pylos, lolkos, Thebes, Midea, and Nichoria. Although there are many theories, no one truly knows what precipitated this Catastrophe. COEL: a Llangarlian warrior and nobleman, son of ERITH.

CORINEUS: a Trojan of the line of Locrinus, husband of BLANGAN, the leading citizen of the city of LOCRINIA.

CORNELIA: a Dorian Greek woman, daughter of PANDRASUS, princess of MELOTAPA.

CRETE: large island in the central eastern Mediterranean. It is the center of the MINOAN civilization and the home of the LABYRINTH, and its capital is Knossos.

DANCE OF THE FLOWERS: one of two dances involved in creating the GAME, the Dance of the Flowers is performed at the end of the ceremonies and enchantments used to establish the GAME.

DANCE OF THE TORCHES: the magical dance used to commence the GAME.

DEIMAS: leader of the Trojans enslaved in MELOTAPA.

ECUB: MOTHER of a village near MAG’S DANCE.

ERITH: mother of COEL, and MOTHER of a LLANGARLIAN House.

GAME, the: In the ancient world most major cities were protected by a myste G LO S SARY rious rite called the Game. The Game was based on the secrets of the LABYRINTH, originating within the Cretan labyrinth before its secrets were shared among the Bronze Age Greek and Anatolian worlds. The Game is controlled by a KINGMAN and the MISTRESS OF THE LABYRINTH. For each city there is a slightly different version of the Game, thus the Game used to protect Troy is known as the Troy Game. The Mistress of the Labyrinth and the Kingman work the magic of the labyrinth mainly through the performance of two dances, the DANCE OF THE TORCHES and the DANCE OF THE FLOWERS.

GENVISSA: daughter of HERRON, and the current MACALLAN (female representative of the goddess MAG) of LLANGARLIA.

GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH: the twelfth-century chronicler who detailed the Trojan founding of London.


GORMAGOG: living representative of the god OG, called the Giant of Madog. The current Gormagog is Aerne father of LOTH.

HADES: god of the Underworld.

HERA: wife of Zeus, queen of Olympus, first among all the goddesses, and patron of CORNELIA, princess of MELOTAPA.

HERNE, WALTER “BRAINS”: deputy headmaster at Maze Hill School, Greenwich, just to the east of London.

HERRON: GENVISSA’S and BLANGAN’S mother, and a former MACALLAN.

HICETAON: one of BRUTUS’ commanders.

HOEL: son of ERITH.

IDAEUS: one of BRUTUS’ commanders.

JAGO: a young Llangarlian warrior.

KINGMAN, the: Kingmen were the princes of the ancient world who were trained in the skills of the GAME. They knew the dances and the paths of the LABYRINTH, and were trained to combat whatever it was they encountered in the heart of the LABYRINTH.

LABYRINTH: The symbol of the labyrinth occurs throughout the ancient world, never more so than in the MINOAN civilization of CRETE where it was deeply associated with both political and religious cultures. The ancient labyrinth is a unicursal labyrinth, not a maze. There is a single pathway leading into the heart, with no dead ends or false turns. When the labyrinth is laid out as a stone pattern in a floor it is called (and used as) a “dancing floor,” thus in the labyrinth on Og’s Hill (see THE VEILED HILLS) is occasionally referred to as ARIADNE’S DANCING FLOOR.

LEVANT, the: the Holy Lands, specifically what is now Israel and Lebanon.

LLAN: the great river of LLANGARLIA. Now called the Thames.

LLANA: the eldest of GENVISSA’S daughters.

LLANBANK: the market town on the eastern shores of the LLAN across the river from Thorney Island.

O GLOSSARY LLANGARLIA: the prosperous country in the southeast of what is now England, encompassing the southeastern counties and centered on the Thames (or LLAN) Valley. It is a matriarchal society, governed by the MOTHERS of each House, or tribe. Llangarlia is a pre-Celtic society; the Celts did not begin to infiltrate the British Islands until some six hundred years after the events of .

LOCRINIA: a Trojan city on the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula.

LOTH: sometimes called the Llangarlian Bull, son of AERNE and BLANGAN, heir to the title and position of GORMAGOG.

MAG: The great mother goddess worshiped by the Llangarlians, Mag is particularly associated with the waters, with birth, and with growth. She is the mate of OG, the forest stag-god of LLANGARLIA.

Mag’s High Priestess among the Llangarlians is known as the MACALLAN.

MACALLAN: the High Priestess of MAG in LLANGARLIA. The current MagaLlan is GENVISSA.

MAG’S DANCE: Stonehenge in Wiltshire.

MAIS: MOTHER of a Llangarlian House, allied with LOTH.

MAURITANIA: a land in North Africa, close to what is now Morocco.

MAZA: a porridge made of flour, honey, salt, oil, and water. One of the staples of Bronze Age Greek


MEGARON: the throne room of a Greek palace.

MELANTHUS: son of ANTiGONUS, nephew of PANDRASUS. Melanthus is the erstwhile lover of CORNELIA.

MEMBRICUS: companion and former tutor to BRUTUS, Membricus is a visionary and a seer.

MERIAM: a midwife on the island of NAXOS.

MESOPOTAMA: Dorian city on the River ACHERON on the west coast of Greece. Ruled by PANDRASUS.

MINOANS: people of the Minoan culture on CRETE, centering on the city of Knossos.

MISTRESS OF THE LABYRINTH: the High Priestess of the LABYRINTH, keeper of its secrets.

MOTHERS, the: LLANGARLIA is a matriarchal society. Each tribe, or House, is led by its senior Mother. Each year at the time of the SLAUGHTER FESTIVAL, the Mothers attend an Assembly on Tot Hill within the VEILED HILLS to discuss any problems that affect Llangarlian society.

MYCENAEANS: Greeks of the proud Mycenaean culture belonging to the east coast and Peloponnese of the Greek mainland. The culture centered on the city of Mycenae and reached its height just before the CATASTROPHE of the late Bronze Age.

NAXOS: island 175 km (108 miles) to the north of CRETE in the eastern Mediterranean, and 40 km (25 miles) to the north of THERA.

GLOSSARY NICHORIA: a city on the western coast of the Greek Peloponnese. It is ruled b PODARCES.

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Categories: Sara Douglass