Hades’ Daughter. Book One of the Troy Game by Sara Douglass

OENO: a Trojan woman.

OG: the great forest stag-god of LLANGARLIA, mate of MAG. In later ages he was known as Cernunnos, later still as Herne, and in medieval times as the Green Man.

PANDRASUS: king of the Dorians in MELOTAPA. Father of CORNELIA.


PERIOPIS: a Trojan woman.

PHILISTINES, ALTARS OF THE: two strange stone pillars on the coast of North Africa.

PILLARS OF HERCULES: now called the Straits of Gibraltar.


POITERAN: a kingdom in the west of France, led by GOFFAR.

SARPEDON:a counselor to PANDRASUS.

SILVIUS: father to BRUTUS. Silvius died in a hunting accident when, according to gossip, BRUTUS

mistakenly shot an arrow into his father’s eye.

SLAUGHTER FESTIVAL: the great autumn festival of LLANGARLIA. It is a trading and festive occasion, although it also marks the annual Assembly of MOTHERS on Tot Hill. The name derives from the fact that in premodern times most livestock was slaughtered in autumn to prepare for the coming winter.

STONE DANCES: circles of standing stones—stone henges.

TAVIA: nurse and companion to CORNELIA.

THERA: tiny volcanic island some 120 km (75 miles) north of CRETE (almost halfway between CRETE and NAXOS) that exploded in the late Bronze Age, devastating the AEGEAN WORLD by shock blast, tsunamis, acid rain, ash, and gases that obliterated the skies around the globe, and related earthquakes about the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean shorelines. The eruption on Thera was roughly four or five times the intensity of the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883.

THESEUS: son and heir of the Athenian king, he was sent as tribute and sacrifice to CRETE where he was to be fed to the Minotaur ASTERION. But Theseus, aided by his lover ARIADNE, managed to defeat the Minotaur and escape from Crete. Later in life he was the first lover of Helen, whose abduction precipitated the eventual destruction of TROY. THYMBRAECEUS: father of ASSARACUS.

TOTNES: name of BRUTUS’ nurse and also the name given to BRUTUS’ first landing site on the River Dart in Britain. TROIA NOVA: literally “New Troy.”

TROY: the fabulous city of Troy sat on the western shores of ANATOLIA (modern-day Turkey).

Paris, son of the Trojan king Priam, stole away Helen from her husband, Menelaus, king of Sparta, precipitating the Trojan war in which the city-states of Greece united against Troy. Although it survived a GLOSSARY long Greek siege, Troy was eventually destroyed due to a combination of hubris, the betrayal of the gods, and Greek cunning. Those Trojans who survived the destruction scattered about the lands of the Mediterranean, either as refugees or slaves.

TUENNA: daughter of ERITH.

TURON: a porridge compounded of flour, cheese gratings, eggs, and honey. One of the staples of Bronze Age Greek diet.

VEILED HILLS, the: the six sacred hills of LLANGARLIA, clustered above the LLAN RIVER in the area now known as London. The six hills are: Tot Hill (where now stands Westminster); the Llandin, the most sacred of the hills (now called Parliament Hill); Pen Hill; Og’s Hill (Ludgate Hill); Mag’s Hill (Cornhill); and the White Mount (Tower Hill). The hills are intersected by three small rivers that flow into the mighty LLAN: the Magyl (now called the Fleet), the Ty (now the Tyburn), and the Wai (now the Walbrook).

ZEUS: leader of the immortals, first among the Olympian gods.

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Categories: Sara Douglass