Homicide Trinity by Rex Stout

bet with Saul Panzer that I can do it in two minutes flat

with three more tries.

Cramer and Stebbins finally decided they had had

enough of me. It was 9:32 by my watch, and 9:34 by the

clock on the wall, which was wrong, as I crossed the

reception room of the precinct house to the door, and on

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out. I stood on the sidewalk for three good breaths of

the cold fresh air, giving my lungs a treat and deciding

which way to turn. If right, toward Eighth Avenue, it

would be for a taxi; if left, toward Ninth, it would be for

a fifteen-minute walk. Voting for the walk, I moved,

and had taken three steps when my shoulder was

grabbed and yanked from behind and a voice came,

with feeling: “You dirty rat!”

The yank had turned me some and I turned myself

the rest of the way. It was Theodore Weed. His hands

were fists, and the right one was back a foot, with the

elbow bent. His eyes were blazing and his bony jaw was


“Not here, you damn fool,” I said. “Even if you drop

me with one swing, which is doubtful, I’ll yell police as I

go down and here they’ll come. Besides, I have a right

to know why I’m a rat while I’m still conscious. Why?”

“You know why. You’re a filthy stool, and Nero

Wolfe too. You’re working for Lucy? You are like hell.

You gave the police the gun.”

“How do you know we did?”

“Things they asked me. Do you deny it?”

My brain was a little tired after the long day, but it

was doing its best. This character was by no means

crossed off. We only had his word for it that he would

give both arms to help Lucy; he had said himself that

she didn’t know how he felt about her. A chat with him

wouldn’t hurt and might help, but I couldn’t take him

home with me until I knew what Wolfe had on his

program, if anything.

He still had fists. “I’ll tell you what,” I said. “We’ll go

around the comer to Jake’s and I’ll buy you a drink and

we’ll discuss it. Then if you still want to take a poke at

me Jake will let us use the back room provided we let

him watch. Afterwards you can comb your hair if you’re

up to it. It needs it.”

It didn’t appeal to him, but what would have? A

couple of passersby, noticing his stance and his fists,

had stopped to see, and a harness bull, emerging from

the station, had also stopped. So he came.

The Homicide Trinity 123

At Jake’s, when we had sat at a table by the wall and

given our orders to the white apron, and I said I had to

make a phone call, he got up and came along to the

booth. Very bad manners, but I didn’t correct him. I

even let him stand in the door of the booth so I couldn’t

close it. I dialed a number and got it.

“Me. In a booth on Eighth Avenue. Theodore Weed is

here at my elbow. He stopped me on the sidewalk to tell

me that you and I are filthy stools because we gave the

gun to the cops. When I asked him how he knew we did

he said from things they asked him, which is possible

since he had just come from Homicide West, probably

from a session with Rowcliff, and you know Rowcliff.

I’m buying him a drink, but I thought you might like to

apologize to him personally for tossing our client to the

wolves. He has blood in his eye.”

“No. Come home at once.”

“You have Saul.”

“Not here. I need you. Mrs. Oliver and Mr. Perdis are

in the front room. Mrs. Oliver has been here since seven

o’clock. Mr. Khoury will arrive at any moment. I have

been pestered by this confounded telephone all day.

Mrs. Talbot called for the fifth time half an hour ago to

say that she hopes to be here by ten o’clock, and it’s

nearly that now. On second thought, bring Mr. Weed. I

have a question for him.”

“You’ll have to bulldog him first.”

“Pfui. Bring him. How soon will you be here?”

I told him fifteen minutes, and hung up. “No time for

a drink,” I told Weed. “Nor for a floor show, with me on

the floor. Mr. Wolfe wants me. You may came along if

you care to.”

“I was going there,” he said grimly, “when I saw


“Good. But take it easy. He has a knife in his belt that

he uses to stab people in the back.”

On the way out I handed the white apron, whose

name was Gil, a couple of ones. Outside, we flagged a

taxi, and as it rolled uptown I undertook to straighten

him out. “Look at it,” I said. “If we’re stools and selling

124 Rex Stout

her to the cops there’s not much of anything you can do

but shoot us, and even that wouldn’t help her any. The

fact is, we’re with her and you’re not. We know she

didn’t kill her husband. Either you thought she had and

probably still do, or you killed him yourself. If the

former, your feeling for her has got a smudge. If

the latter, you did a swell job, handling it so that she

gets the credit for it. Go soak your head.”

“Why did you give the police the gun?”

“Soak your head some more. We’re working for her,

not you.”

No comment until the cab was turning into 35th

Street, then: “I don’t think she killed him.”

“Good for you. We appreciate it.”

“And I didn’t.”

“That’s not so important, but we’ll keep it in mind.”

At the curb in front of the old brownstone there was

a black limousine with a chauffeur in it. That would be

Mrs. Oliver’s. Mounting the seven steps to the stoop, I

used my key, but the chain bolt was on and I had to ring

for Fritz. As he took Weed’s coat and I disposed of

mine, he said, “Thank God, Archie, thank God,” and I

asked him what for, and he said, “For you. It has been

very bad. Three phone calls during dinner, and that

woman was in the front room.”

“I can imagine. How many are in there now?”

“Three. Her and two men.”

So Khoury had come. I took Weed to the office. Wolfe

was at his desk with a book. Weed headed for him,

talking. “I want to know why—”

“Shut up!” Wolfe bellowed.

Wolfe’s bellow would stop a tiger ready to spring.

Weed stood and glared at him. Wolfe finished a para-

graph, inserted his marker, put the book down, and

issued a command. “Sit down. I prefer eyes at my level.

Sit down! When you arrived at the Hazens’ for dinner

Monday evening were the others already there?”

“I want to know why you gave the gun—”

“Bah. Are you a jackass? You must be, to suppose

you can call me to account. Sit down! You said you

The Homicide Trinity 125

would give an arm to help Mrs. Hazen. Keep your arm;

I want only some information. Must I repeat my ques-


Five of the yellow chairs were there. Weed took the

nearest one. He ran his fingers through his mop of hair,

but only a comb and brush could have handled it. “Mrs.

Oliver was there,” he said. “And Khoury. Perdis and

Mrs. Talbot came soon after I did. I don’t see why—”

“This is what I want to know. While you were there,

was any one of them absent from the gathering long

enough to go to Mr. Hazen’s bedroom and back? Con-

sider it. Dismiss your fatuous huff for the moment and

put your mind on something pertinent.”

Weed tried to. To do so he had to take his eyes from

Wolfe, so he tilted his head back and looked at the

ceiling. He took his time, then lowered his head. “I don’t

think so. I’m pretty sure none of them left the room at

all, either before we went to the dining room or after. Of

course they were all there when I left, so—”

The doorbell rang. I went to the hall, but Fritz was

there opening the door. When the newcomer had

crossed the sill I stepped back into the office and gave

Wolfe a nod, and he asked, “Mrs. Talbot?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Mr. Weed to the hall, then bring them in, and Mr.

Weed to the front room. We may need him later.”

“I’m staying right here,” Weed declared, “until I—”

“You are not. I have work to do and no time to bicker

with you. Out. Out!”

“But damn it—”


Weed looked at me, standing at the door. What he

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Categories: Stout, Rex