Homicide Trinity by Rex Stout

they had. Otis had been sure they had, until he had read

the copy of my statement. Now he was sure of nothing.

But he was still alive. When he got up to go, at two

hours past midnight, he had bounced back some. He

wasn’t nearly as jittery as he had been when he asked

for a glass of water to take the pills. He hadn’t accepted

30 Rex Stout

Wolfe’s offer in so many words, but he had agreed to

take no steps until he had heard further from Wolfe,

provided he heard within thirty-two hours, by ten

o’clock Wednesday morning. The only action he would

take during that period would be to instruct Ann Paige

to tell no one that he had read my statement and to

leam why she had skedaddled. He didn’t think the

police would tell him the contents of my statement, but

if they did he would say that he would credit it only if

it had corroboration. Of course he wanted to know

what Wolfe was going to do, but Wolfe said he didn’t

know and probably wouldn’t decide until after break-


When I returned to the office after holding Otis’s coat

for him and letting him out, Fritz was there.

“No,” Wolfe was saying grimly. “You know quite

well I almost never eat at night.”

“But you had no dinner. An omelet, or at least—”

“No! Confound it, let me starve! Go to bed!”

Fritz looked at me, I shook my head, and he went. I

sat down and spoke. “Do I get Saul and Fred and


“No.” He took in air through his nose and let it out

through his mouth. “If I don’t know how I am going to

proceed, how the deuce can I have errands for them?

“Rhetorical,” I said.

“It is not rhetorical. It’s logical. There are the obvi-

ous routine errands, but that would be witless. Find the

cheap restaurant or lunchroom where they met? How

many are there?”

“Oh, a thousand. More.”

He grunted. “Or question the entire personnel of that

law office to learn which of those three men spoke at

length with Miss Aaron yesterday afternoon? Or, as-

suming that he followed her here, left the office on her

heels? Or which one cannot account for himself from

five o’clock to ten minutes past six? Or find the nearby

phone booth from which he dialed this number? Or

investigate their relations with Mrs. Sorell? Those are

The Homicide Trinity 31

all sensible and proper lines of inquiry, and by mid-

moming Mr. Cramer and the District Attorney will

have a hundred men pursuing them.”

“Two hundred. This is special.”

“So for me to put three men on them, four including

you, would be frivolous. A possible procedure would be

to have Mr. Otis get them here—Edey, Heydecker, and

Jett. He could merely tell them that he has engaged me

to investigate the murder that was committed in my


“If they’re available. They’ll be spending most of the

day at the DA’s office. By request.”

He shut his eyes and tightened his lips. I picked up

the copy of my statement which Otis had surrendered,

got the second carbon from my drawer, went and

opened the safe, and put them on a shelf. I had closed

the safe door and was twirling the knob when Wolfe



“Yes, sir.”

“Will they tackle Mrs. Sorell?”

“I doubt it. Not right away. What for? Since Cramer

warned us that if we blab what Bertha Aaron told me

we may be hooked for libel, which was kind of him,

evidently he’s going to save it, and going to Mrs. Sorell

would spill it.”

He nodded. “She is young and comely.”

“Yeah. I’ve never seen her offstage. You have seen

pictures of her.”

“You have a flair for dealing with personable young


“Sure. They melt like chocolate bars in the sun. But

you’re exaggerating it a little if you think I can go to

that specimen and ask her which member of the firm

she met in a cheap restaurant or lunchroom and she’ll

wrap her arms around me and murmur his name in my

ear. It might take me an hour or more.”

“You can bring her here.”

“Maybe. Possibly. To see the orchids?”

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“I don’t know.” He pushed the chair back and raised

his bulk. “I am not myself. Come to my room at eight

o’clock.” He headed for the hall.

Chapter 4

At 10:17 that Tuesday morning I left the house,

walked north fourteen short blocks and east six

long ones, and entered the lobby of the

Churchill. I walked instead of flagging a taxi for two

reasons: because I had had less than five hours’ sleep

and needed a lot of oxygen, especially from the neck up,

and because eleven o’clock was probably the earliest

Mrs. Morton Sorell, bom Rita Ramsey, would be acces-

sible. It had taken only a phone call to Lon Cohen at the

Gazette to leam that she had taken an apartment at the

Churchill Towers two months ago, when she had left

her husband’s roof.

In my pocket was a plain white envelope, sealed, on

which I had written by hand:

Mrs. Morton Sorell

Personal and Confidential

and inside it was a card, also handwritten:

We were seen that evening in the

lunchroom as we sat in the booth. It would

be dangerous to phone you or for you to

phone me. You can trust the bearer of this


No signature. It was twelve minutes to eleven when

I handed the envelope to the charge d’affaires at the

lobby desk and asked him to send it up, and it still

lacked three minutes of eleven when he motioned me to

The Homicide Trinity 33

the elevator. Those nine minutes had been tough. If it

hadn’t worked, if word had come down to bounce me, or

no word at all, I had no other card ready to play. So as

the elevator shot up I was on the rise in more ways than

one, and when I stepped out at the thirtieth floor and

saw that she herself was standing there in the doorway

my face wanted to grin at her but I controlled it.

She had the card in her hand. “You sent this?” she


“I brought it.”

She looked me over, down to my toes and back up.

“Haven’t I seen you before? What’s your name?”

“Goodwin. Archie Goodwin. You may have seen my

picture in the morning paper.”

“Oh.” She nodded. “Of course.” She lifted the card.

“What’s this about? It’s crazy! Where did you get it?”

“I wrote it.” I advanced a step and got a stronger

whiff of the perfume of her morning bath—or it could

have come from the folds other yellow robe, which was

very informal. “I might as well confess, Mrs. Sorell. It

was a trick. I have been at your feet for years. The only

pictures in my heart are of you. One smile from you, just

for me, would be rapture. I have never tried to meet

you because I knew it would be hopeless, but now that

you have left your husband I might be able to do some-

thing, render some little service, that would earn me a

smile. I had to see you and tell you that, and that card

was just a trick to get to you. I made it up. I tried to

write something that would make you curious enough

to see me. Please—please forgive me!”

She smiled the famous smile, just for me. She spoke.

“You overwhelm me, Mr. Goodwin, you really do. You

said that so nicely. Have you any particular service in


I had to hand it to her. She knew darned well I was a

double-breasted liar. She knew I hadn’t made it up. She

knew I was a licensed private detective and had come

on business. But she hadn’t batted an eye—or rather,

she had. Her long dark lashes, which were home-grown

and made a fine contrast with her hair, the color of corn

34 Rex Stout The Homicide Trinity


silk just before it starts to turn, also home-grown, had

lowered for a second to veil the pleasure I was giving

her. She was as good offstage as she was on, and I had to

hand it to her.

“If I might come in?” I suggested. “Now that you’ve

smiled at me?”

“Of course.” She backed up and I entered. She waited

while I removed my hat and coat and put them on a

chair and then led me through the foyer to a large living

room with windows on the east and south, and across to

a divan.

“Not many people ever have a chance like this,” she

said, sitting. “An offer of a service from a famous detec-

tive. What shall it be?”

“Well.” I sat. “I can sew on buttons.”

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Categories: Stout, Rex