HS 3 – The Elf Queen of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

as a people, for the righting of so many wrongs and the cor-

recting of so many mistakes-in this she might find the purpose

of her life.

It was a sobering thought, and she mulled it through as the

ascent of Blackledge wore on, lost within herself as she consid-

ered what an undertaking of such magnitude would require. She

Was strong enough, she felt; there was little she could not ac-

complish if she chose. She had resolve and a sense of right and

wrong that had served her well. She was conscious of the fact

that she owed a debt-to her mother, who had sacrificed every-

thing so that her child would have a chance to grow up safely;

to her grandmother, who had entrusted her with the future of

a city and its people; to those who had already given their lives

to help preserve her own; and to those who were prepared to

do so, who trusted and believed in her.

But even that was not enough by itself to persuade her.

There must be something more, she knew-something that tran-

scended expectations and conscience, something more funda-

mental still. It was the existence of need. She already knew, deep

within herself, that genocide was abhorrent and that she must

find some other solution to the dilemma of the future of the

Elves and their magic. But if they lived, if she was successful in

restoring them to the Westland, what would become of them

then if she was to walk away? Who would lead them in the fight

that lay ahead? Who would guide and counsel them? Could she

leave the matter to chance, or even to the dictates of the High

Council? The need of the Elven people was great, and she did

not think she could ignore it even if it meant changing her own

life entirely.

Even so, she remained uncertain. She was torn by the con-

flict within herself, a war between choices that refused to be

characterized as simply right or wrong. She knew as well that

none of the choices might be hers to make, for while leadership

had been bestowed upon her by Ellenroh, ultimately it was the

Elves who would accept or reject it. And why should they

choose to follow her? A Rover, an outsider, a girl barely grown-

she had much to answer for.

Her reasonings fell apart about her like scraps of paper

tumbled by the wind, a collapse of distant plans in the face of

present needs. She looked about her at the rock and scrub, at

the screen of Vog, and at the dark, bent forms of those who

traveled with her. Staying alive was all she could afford to worry

about for now.

The trek continued until it was nearing midday, and then

Stresa brought them to an uncertain halt. Wren pushed forward

from behind Garth to discover what was happening. The Splin-

terscat stood at the mouth of a cavern that burrowed ahead into

the rock. To the right, the trail they followed continued sharply

up the slope of the cliff face and disappeared into a tangle of


“See, Wren of the Elves,” the Splinterscat said softly, bright

eyes fixing on her. “We have a choice now. Phhfft! The trail

winds ahead to the summit, but it is slow and difficult from

here-sssppptt-not clear at all. The tunnel opens into a series

of lava tubes formed by the pphhhtt fire of the volcano years

ago. I have traveled them. They, too, lead to the summit.”

Wren knelt. “Which is your choice?”

“RwwIl. There are dangers both ways.”

“There are dangers everywhere.” She dismissed his demurral.

About her, the haze swirled and twisted against the island’s thick

growth, as if seeking its own way. “We rely on you to lead us,

Stresa,” she reminded him. “Choose.”

The Splinterscat hissed his discontent. “The tunnels, then.

Phhfftt!” The bulky body swung about and back again. The

spikes lifted and fell. “We need light.”

While Triss went off in search of suitable torch wood, the

remainder of the company rummaged through backpacks and

pockets for rags and tinder. Gavilan had the latter, Eowen the

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Categories: Terry Brooks