HS 3 – The Elf Queen of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

Wren took a deep breath against her fears and answered, “The shade of


The aged head lifted with a snap. “Allanon!” She breathed the name

like a curse. “So! A Druid’s charge, is it? Very well. Listen to me, then.

Go south through the Wilderun, cross the Irrybis and follow the coast of

the Blue Divide. When you have reached the caves of the Rocs, build a fire

and keep it burning three days and nights. One will come who can help

you. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Wren replied, wondering at the same time if she really did.

“Beware, Elf-girl,” the other warned, a stick-thin hand lifting. “I see

danger ahead for you, hard times, and treachery and evil beyond imagining.

My visions are in my head, truths that haunt me with their madness. Heed

me, then. Keep your own counsel, girl. Trust no one!”

Trust no one!

Wren had left the old woman then, admonished to leave

even though she had offered to stay and help. She had rejoined

Garth, and the men had tried to kill them then, of course, be-

cause that had been their plan all along. They had failed in their

attempt and paid for their foolishness-perhaps with their lives

by now if the Addershag had tired of them.

Slipping clear of Grimpen Ward, Wren and Garth had come

south, following the old seer’s instructions, still in search of the

disappeared Elves. They had traveled for two days without stop-

ping to sleep, anxious to put as much distance between them-

selves and Grimpen Ward as possible and eager as well to make

yet another attempt to shake loose of their shadow. Wren had

thought earlier that day they might have done so. Garth was

not so certain. His uneasiness would not be dispelled. So when

they had stopped for the night, needing at last to sleep and

regain their strength, he had backtracked once more. Perhaps

he would find something to settle the matter, he told her. Per-

haps not. But he wanted to give it a try.

That was Garth. Never leave anything to chance.

Behind her, in the woods, one of the horses pawed restlessly

and went still again. Garth had hidden the animals behind the

trees before leaving. Wren waited a moment to be certain all

was well, then stood and moved over again beneath the willow,

losing herself in the deep shadows formed by its canopy, easing

herself down once more against the broad trunk. Far to the west,

the light had faded to a glimmer of silver where the water met

the sky.

Magic, the Addershag had said. How could that be?

If there were still Elves, and if she was able to find them,

would they be able to tell her what the old woman had not?

She leaned back and closed her eyes momentarily, feeling

herself drifting, letting it happen.

When she jerked awake again, twilight had given way to

night, the darkness all around save where moon and stars bathed

the Open spaces in a silver glow. The campfire had gone cold,

and she shivered with the chill that had invaded the coastal air.

Rising, she moved over to her pack, withdrew her travel cloak,

and wrapped it about her for warmth. After moving back be-

neath the tree, she settled herself once more.

You fell asleep, she chided herself. What would Garth say if he

were to discover that?

She remained awake after that until he returned. It was near-

ing midnight, the world about her gone still save for the lulling

rush of the ocean waves as they washed onto the beach below.

Garth appeared soundlessly, yet she had sensed he was coming

before she saw him and took some small satisfaction from that.

He moved out of the trees and came directly to where she hid,

motionless in the night, a part of the old willow. He seated him-

self before her, huge and dark, faceless in the shadows. His big

hands lifted, and he began to sign. His fingers moved swiftly.

Their shadow was still back there, following after them.

Wren felt her stomach grow cold and she hugged herself


“Did you see it?” she asked, signing as she spoke.

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Categories: Terry Brooks