James Axler – Keepers of the Sun

“That’s it!” Ryan yelled. “Over.”

Every one of the ronin was down and done for.

Three or four were still moving, arms and legs flailing and kicking, moaning in shocked, weeping voices. The gravel was ruined, trampled and awash with gallons of spilled blood.

Mashashige hadn’t moved from his seat, watching the total butchery without a change of expression.

“Check the doors, J.B., and you, Jak. Reckon we’ve broken the back of the bastards, but there might be more.”

“I think there will not be any more, Cawdor-san. Once you have severed the head of the dragon, its body will not do you much harming.”

“More or less what an old friend of mine once said,” Ryan replied.

“Fire’s coming closer,” Krysty warned, reloading her blaster. “Soon take the whole place. Make it dangerous to try and reach the water.”

“Yeah. Get the girl up, if she’s coming with us.”

Ryan turned to the shogun. “Want to come along?”

There was a pause. “It is attractive and I thank you for it. Thank you all also for saving the honor of my home. But now nothing remains. My plans for the gateway are in ruins. Deathlands is safe from any samurai invasion.”

J.B. called from the side of the yard, “No ronin, but the fire’s getting real close.”

“Then we’d best go.” Krysty and Mildred had helped Issie to her feet, supporting her between them. There was another throbbing tremor from deep underground, and some of the loose stones rattled against one another.

“All clear!” Jak yelled from the far side of the open courtyard, barely visible through the thickening smoke that was filling the space.

“Then we go. Now.” He nodded to Mashashige. “Sorry it didn’t lay better.” He turned away toward the open door at the opposite side of the body-littered court.

The shogun called him back. “Might I require two minutes further of your time, Cawdor-san?”


“It is personal. Might the others go.” He waved a hand to them. “Go with my thanks.”

He spoke to Issie. “Do not bring shame on your parents, child.”

Ryan hesitated, looking at Krysty, who shrugged. “Get going,” he said. “Head for the windows at the flank of the ville. Into the water and all get across together. Chill anyone tries to stop you. Be with you in a minute.”

“Sure.” A quick kiss on the cheek, and she was gone, followed by the others.

“You want me to help you kill yourself. Act as your friend, now Hideyoshi’s gone.”

There was a slight nod, with a thin smile. “I knew you would guess. Yashimoto had gone to obtain the special wakizashi , but he must have fallen.”

“The special dagger?”

“Yes. My sword is too long for the purpose. I know you carry a machete with a suitable blade. A little wide and long, but it will serve. If I might? Yes? My thanks. When I then bow my head, you will act as my kaishaku and use my own sword to end matters.”

“You’re certain?”

“How do you say? Never more so.”

Ryan nodded. He finished reloading the SIG-Sauer, then unslung the Steyr and leaned it against the chair. He unsheathed the panga and handed it to the shogun, who took it in his right hand and weighed the balance.

“Heavy. But sharp. Thank you again, Cawdor-san. I do not wish you to be burned alive for helping me from the troubles of this valley of tears. So, let us to it.”

Ryan shook hands with him, impressed by the firmness of his grip. He took the sword from the samurai baron, admiring the wonderful feeling of lightness and power in the honed steel.

“If you wish to keep the sword, after”

“No. Thanks, but I’ll leave it with you.”

“Then we shall begin.”

Behind him Ryan could now feel the heat of the flames on his back and hear the crashing of massive roof timbers falling in the inferno. Time was racing away.

Mashashige knelt slowly on the gravel, carefully avoiding the lake of crimson that glowed almost black in the light of the wall lamps.

He held the taped hilt of the panga in his right hand, easing his wounded shoulder with a passing grimace of pain. He placed the bare steel on the ground for a moment while he unfolded the front of his kimono, exposing the flat, muscular wall of his stomach, then picked up the blade again.

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Categories: James Axler