James Axler – Keepers of the Sun

The sound was overlaid by the thunder of a quake, the noise all around them, as if the walls of the gateway were about to crumble in at any second.

“In,” Ryan snapped, punching in the digital code for Tennessee, not waiting for everyone to sit on the floor of the orange-walled chamber. He stepped in and slammed the door firmly shut to trigger the jump mechanism.

Everyone knew what to do.

J.B. had taken off his fedora and placed it on his lap, carefully folding his glasses and placing them safely in a pocket, the Uzi in his lap, scattergun within reach. He held Mildred’s hand. She reached out for Doc, who had slowly creaked his way down, laying the ebony sword-stick at his side, stretching out his aged knee boots.

Jak, red eyes swollen from crying, sat next to Doc, pressing his skinny back against the armaglass wall.

The rumble was becoming much louder and more insistent as Ryan finally seated himself alongside Krysty, having unslung the rifle and placing it by his side.

“Here we go,” he said.

“Sayonara, my friends,” Doc whispered, his voice sounding small and far away.

The disks in floor and ceiling were beginning to glow brightly, and the familiar white mist was gathering above their heads. Ryan felt his brain being scooped out of his skull and whirled around and around.

“Tennessee,” he breathed, his last sentient thought one of pleasure that they would very soon be home safely in Deathlands again.

At that moment the big quake finally arrived.

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Categories: James Axler