James Axler – Starfall

“Kick in the door?” J.B. asked.

“I don’t see another way.” Ryan gestured to Jak, indi­cating that the albino should circle around the junkyard fort in the opposite direction. Ryan didn’t have to tell him what they were going to do.

“If those other coldhearts attack while we’re spread out,” J.B. said, “we aren’t going to be able to hold.”

Ryan nodded tightly. “See you in a few.” He moved out, finding cover where he could.

Chapter Seven

Ryan crept up on the side of the junkyard fort, the SIG-Sauer leading the way. The structure had enough wood con­tent that he’d considered firing it and burning out the men inside. But that would have left the companions nowhere to go except deeper into the stacks of junked wags, where there were more dogs.

He glanced across the door and found Jak already poised on a section of the car above the fort. The view the men inside the building had was limited. They hadn’t planned for a quarry that had time to think and move, or one that was used to moving so quickly.

Two windows, one on either side of the door, looked out over the junkyard. At Ryan’s signal, Jak hung from his feet and leaned down to just past the top of the window. The albino opened fire at once, firing through all six rounds in quick succession. He pulled himself up only a second or two before return fire hammered the window’s casement.

Spinning quickly, Ryan thrust the 9 mm blaster into the window. A man stood in front of him, his attention on the window Jak had shot through. Ryan fired his first round into the man’s temple, emptying his skull in a crimson splash that stained the two men behind him. Two more pairs of shots, and the one-eyed man was certain three men were down inside the fort.

Jak had hit at least three himself, though one man con­tinued to howl in pain.

Ryan’s mind took in the details of the fort’s interior as he fired, filing the information away. When the SIG-Sauer blew back empty, he was certain no more than three men remained alive inside the room. He spun toward the door instead of the side of the fort, ejecting the empty magazine and shoving a fresh one home.

The interior of the fort was little more than thirty feet to a side. All of it was open space, littered with pallets on the floor and a brace of hammocks in the far corner against the back wall.

Jak dropped into position through his window again and fired the .357 dry. Then he flipped to the ground, landing effortlessly on his feet on the other side of the door. “Two men left,” he said, putting the knives away. “Back cor­ners.”

Ryan thumbed the slide release, sending it home with a metallic snap. Stepping forward, he turned and rammed his left shoulder into the door, putting all of his two-hundred-plus pounds behind the effort. It had been locked into place, but it hadn’t been built strong enough to withstand the abuse he gave it. Hinges gave way, and he followed the door inside.

Smoke from homemade black powder hazed the room and filled it with a sulfuric stench.

A man in the back corner raised his weapon, screaming in rage and fear. His bullets struck the walls near Ryan.

Firing from the point, letting instinct be his guide, Ryan shot the man twice in the heart, relying on the blaster’s stopping power to put the man down as he turned on the remaining coldheart.

The Slagger’s weapon had evidently jammed. He flung himself forward, trying for one of the abandoned pistols of his comrades.

Ryan shot him through the head, watching in satisfaction as the body quivered and lay still. He then turned his at­tention back to the companions outside. He waved them in, stepping outside the door.

Mildred came first, followed by Doc, who carried Krysty’s unconscious body gently in his arms. J.B. stood guard as Dean got the coldhearts’ prisoners moving. Two of the men carried a twisted old woman dressed in home­spun breeches and a curious tunic.

Ryan studied the woman as the exprisoners neared. Her hair was as white as snow, and she looked ancient. Black eyes glittered behind the half-closed lids as they settled on Ryan’s one blue eye.

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Categories: James Axler