James Axler – Way of the Wolf

Anna ripped her blaster free of the holster and trained it on J.B., as well. “Well, then, I guess we’re going to have to decide what to do with him. Personally I’m all for killing him and being done with it.”

RYAN STOOD at the window in the hotel room, the curtains pulled so no one could see in, and the lit lantern placed so his shadow didn’t skate across the rough material. The street stayed empty below, and folks who were out got on with their business. He was naked, chilled now after the hot bath. He carried the SIG-Sauer in one hand, same as he’d kept it close by during the bath.

“Anything, lover?” Krysty asked from behind him.

“No. Just looking. Ville doesn’t quite fit together right.” He turned to her, saw her standing there naked. He had no idea of how many times he’d seen Krysty naked since they’d known each other, but the sight never failed to make his heart beat a little faster in anticipation. Though still road weary from all the killing and the travel of the past few days, seeing her made him feel younger and stronger.

“Know what you mean.” Krysty tossed back her flaming mane and ran a comb through it, her breasts heaving with the motion. For a minute, with the lantern light playing over her soft skin, she looked defenseless. The V of crimson fleece between her thighs blazed like fire. “Should be an interesting dinner with Aunt Maim in a little while.”

“Either way it goes,” Ryan said, “We aren’t staying long. We’ll get our business here done and move on.” He moved away from the window and put his arms around Krysty. He enjoyed the smell of her, the cleanliness, and the faint scent of the musk drifting up from her arousal. She felt warm and chill all at the same time in his arms. He got an erection almost immediately.

“Something,” Krysty said, lowering her arms and putting them around his neck, “tells me we might be a little late to dinner.” She rolled her hips against him, making a tunnel between her thighs that cradled his erection.

“Mebbe we can still make breakfast.”

She ran her hand down the scarred side of his face, bringing heat to the places that weren’t nerve deadened. “We’ve got to be there tonight. Besides being under Miss Kate’s roof, I’m curious about the woman. We didn’t see her at all earlier.”

Ryan kissed Krysty’s neck, sucking the flesh into his mouth and biting down hard enough to almost bruise the skin. Krysty groaned into his ear, holding him tighter.

“I know it isn’t so, lover,” she whispered, “but all of a sudden it feels like it’s been a long time in between for us.”

Ryan silently agreed. He moved against her, feeling her sex opening to allow him in. He kept from penetration, though, letting the oils build up until his flesh glided against hers. “We can take some time now.”

“Only if you promise there’s going to be a later.” Krysty’s hands dug into the big muscles of his shoulders.

“Promise,” he said huskily. He bent and picked her up in his arms, then carried her to the bed. She scooted back when he set her down, making room for him. Instead, Ryan knelt at the edge of the bed, shoving the 9 mm blaster between the mattress and the box springs so he could get to it easily. He parted her legs, then kissed her there. He continued kissing as her flesh melted into sugary fluid at his every lick and nibble. In moments his tongue slid freely along her parted folds, and he tasted the sweet-and-sour saltiness of the excited nubbin of flesh.

Krysty groaned and shuddered at the touch of his tongue. She locked her hands at the base of his skull and pulled his face into her harder. “Keep doing that,” she whispered huskily. “Just like that, lover, just like that.”

Ryan kissed and tongued her sex, feeling the tension fill his lover. After a time, she quivered like a plucked guitar string, her need the only thing at the forefront of her mind. He brought her to the brink of her climax, but didn’t let her go over the edge. When she seemed to reach the edge of release, he moved to a different spot or changed the rhythm, forcing her body to adapt and long for a new sensation. She drew her legs up tight against her breasts, allowing him even further penetration of her most intimate depths. Plaintive cries ripped from her throat.

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Categories: James Axler