James Axler – Way of the Wolf

“When those jackers get here,” Albert said, “all they’re going to have to do is cover us over.”

“My dear, diminutive friend,” Doc said confidently, “trust in us and fear not. For this path truly is our salvation from this grievous situation we currently find ourselves embroiled in.”

“Still feel bad not knowing where we’re headed,” the dwarf replied.

Krysty felt along the wall, glancing back in time to catch sight of Ryan filing into the crack behind her. A cool wind breezed from the depths below.

Another dozen steps and the constricting crack opened up. Light flared in front of her as Jak cracked a self-light and ignited the oil-based torch they had set up after their arrival. The redoubt hadn’t been stocked much in the supply department. Everywhere they had looked, there had been signs of looting and scavengers who had known their business. They had, however, managed to find several useful items. A collection of skeletons remained below, three of them with their skulls bashed in.

“Krysty,” Jak called, holding out another torch. The light from the one he carried lent a yellow parchment color to his features.

Krysty took the torch and slipped a self-light from her pocket. She cracked it to life with her thumbnail, and the sulfurous fumes flooded her nostrils. She applied it to the oil-soaked material of the torch, and the warm flame crawled all over the sheet remnant they had used.

The trail wound down again, going through a natural archway so low all had to duck except Albert. Thirty yards farther on, the crack led into a concrete arm of the redoubt. The first glimpse of the metal housing occurred when the lantern’s light gleamed from the opening ahead.

Jak made the short drop into the access tunnel. He lifted his torch high to illuminate the interior.

Krysty scanned the access tunnel, matching what she saw with what the companions had left behind only a few days earlier. Debris lay scattered across the concrete floor, covering the metal tracks laid in grooves in some places. Nearly twenty feet across and almost that in height, the tunnel had to have been part of the supply zones back before the nukecaust.

Krysty clambered into the tunnel and stood by the opening to light the way for J.B. and Ryan while Jak went on ahead. They wound through the long tunnel, following a sharper grade as it continued to go underground. At the end of it, they found the large freight elevator they had used to ascend.

Energized by nuclear power, the redoubt had survived the nukecaust and the hundred-odd years that had followed skydark, with every indication that it would continue functioning for hundreds more.

If they had found the redoubt before it had been gutted, Krysty knew it would have been a great find, the kind of find that had first set the Trader in business all those years ago.

The companions assembled in the elevator. J.B. manned the controls.

“Everybody’s on condition red,” Ryan said. “Wyatt and his jackers might find their way into the redoubt, as well, and we don’t know that this place is still empty. Keep your blasters out, but be sure you know what you’re aiming at before you squeeze the trigger.” He glanced at Krysty.

She shook her head, letting him know her mutie senses hadn’t detected anything. The redoubt felt as lifeless as a crypt.

“All right, J.B., let’s go.” The Armorer hit the control panel, choosing the level indicator for the lowest section of the redoubt. The doors closed, taking their time and squealing in protest. Despite having nuclear power that would last for centuries, regular maintenance had been missing for a long time.

After the long series of earsplitting screeches, the doors closed. Enclosed within the elevator cage, the smoke from the two torches quickly pooled against the ceiling, forming a black cloud.

The elevator dropped through the bowels of the earth.

Albert moaned and dropped to his knees.

“What’s wrong, friend Albert?” Doc asked, bending to put a hand to the little man’s shoulders.

“Sick,” the dwarf gasped. Then he threw up. “Feels like I’m falling, but I see the floor right here.”

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Categories: James Axler