John Brunner – Jagged Orbit

“Out!” Lyla screamed at him, and raised the big brass tray in both hands, rushing at him. His fist warding it off made it sound like a cracked gong, and her voice rose to a shrill peak of loathing.

“Gottschalk! Gottschalk! Gottschalk!”

Whirling, she ran to the kitchen to retrieve the gun and he came after her, snatching at her arm, dragging her off balance, getting past her and making it to the door, tugging it open and-leaping back as the deadjarred down its overdue-for-greasing grooves with a slam that shook the building.

“I wish it had squashed you,” Lyla said, picking heroff the floor. “You need to be stomped, like a bedShe tried for the gun again, still on the table, but he was faster-he wasn’t trembling with the shock of a lover’s death. It was his hope and ambition to cause many deaths. He was an arms salesman by choice, calm and even a little happy to see his products in such decapable of trying to clinch a sale at the bedside of a fresh corpse. He tripped her as she reached for the gun, caught it up himself and turned the butt into his palm with a practiced flip. Back on the floor she looked at him with hate in her eyes.

Breathing hard, he sidled to the winch and one-handed raised the deadfall, fixed the catch by touch, gun leveled, watching Lyla intently. He opened the door, glanced to make sure the corridor was empty, vanished and slammed it behind him.

“Oh Christ,” Lyla said. Then, as she realized she was sitting in a patch of Dan’s wet new blood, sticky on her bare thigh, she said again, “Oh Christ.”

There was no answer.

Danger of ‘guerrilla’ war in US

New York, January

A retired United States Army intelligence officer has suggested that unrest in Amercities could lead to full-scale prolonged guerrilla warfare involving large army units, which could be as difficult to quell as guerrilla activities in South-East Asia.

In the January issue of the “Army MagColonel Robert B. Rigg writes:

“So far, the causes of urban violence have been emotional and social. Organhowever, can translate these grievinto political ones of serious poand result in violence or even prolonged warfare.

“Man has constructed out of steel and concrete a much better ‘jungle’ than nature has created out of Vietnam. Such cement-and-brick jungles can offer better security to snipers and city guerrillas than the Vietcong enjoy in their jungles, elephant grass and marshes.”

Guerrilla warfare in the cities might be fomented by Communist China or Cuba, he says. Some US intelligence circles were aware that the more dangerous conspirin ghettoes were being prompted by members of the pro-Chinese wing of the US Communist Party.

Neither full application of fire-power nor political negotiation was likely to be effecagainst urban guerrillas, he says.

“There are measures that offer a betsolution if we are to keep our cities from becoming battle-grounds: penetration by police and reliance on traditional FBI methSuch efforts must begin now so as to prevent organised guerrilla violence from gaining momentum.

“A whole new manual of military opertactics and techniques needs to be written in respect of urban warfare of this nature. Army units must be oriented and trained to know the cement-and-asphalt jungle of every American city.”

Colonel Rigg says that manoeuvres carout in large cities could prove a deto urban insurrection.-Reuter.

Either it wasn’t done or it didn’t work.

Lyla Clay possesses a supertalent.

Dan Kazer has been her lover for between two and three years.

Matthew Flamen is horrified at what’s been done to his wife Celia.

Celia Prior Flamen turned to drugs because she felt neand ignored.

Lionel Prior manages the last of the spoolpigeons who spein exposes.

Pedro Diablo is world-famous for his anti-white propagan

Harry Madison is a patient in a mental hospital. Lyla Clay works at being a pythoness like any regular job.

Dan Kazer has been mar her as a successful product.

Matthew Flamen let months go by without going to call on his wife in the hospital.

Celia Prior Flamen welcomed her incarceration because it gave her the chance to be a nun.

Lionel Prior likes to keep up appearances at all costs.

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Categories: John Brunner