John Brunner – Jagged Orbit

Pedro Diablo has more white ancestry than Negro ances

Harry Madison is uniquely gifted in the maintenance of complex circuitry.

James Reedeth is worried about keeping Madison in the hospital unjustifiably.

Ariadne Spoelstra is in love with Reedeth.

Elias Mogshack is dedicated to the ideal of mental health.

Hermann Uys is a white South African expert on race.

Morton Lenigo is determined to overthrow the white UniStates.

Xavier Conroy once wrote that Division Street, Earth, runs straight through the midof people.

Man is a gregarious animal: he builds cities.

The above-named are human beings. James Reedeth has never actried to get Madison released.

Ariadne Spoelstra maintains that “love is a dependent state” and dangerous for a psychiatrist

Elias Mogshack hoards his patients like a miser.

Hermann Uys is in fanatical melanist Blackbury.

Morton Lenigo waited nearly three years to be granted an official entry permit to the United States.

Xavier Conroy, unable to compromise, has been driven to teaching in an undistinCanadian college.

Man is not a social animal: he fights wars.

The above-named are human beings.

Bad-tempered, sour-mouthed, queasy-stomached from lack of sleep, Matthew Flamen sat scowling in his skimand counted the wasting minutes as diversion after diversion was fed to the controls from the Ninge traffic computer. It was a clear still hot day and from the five-hundred meter level he could see a long way. Of the three LR’s mentioned in the morning news-last resort strikes where it had been deemed necessary to bring a whole block tumbling around the ears of snipers-the Harlem and East Village ones had been doused, but over the one in the Bronx a column of smoke was rising like a straight stone pillar. The cause of the dithough, was the stream of Federal ships shutback and forth from the city to the Westchester internment camps; everything else was being routed around their reserved airlane.

At one point he found himself heading in the diametwrong direction.

He swore under his breath, wondering what had poshim yesterday when he was compiling the show. He’d had that high reading on the Lenigo case, and he’d dismissed it as ridiculous, and within half an hour of his noon slot the kneeblank stations were slamout gleeful flashes and the X Patriots were assemin their thousands at Kennedy.

“Got to get to the bottom of that!” he declared aloud.

“I mean, no one takes the government seriously these days, but this is lunacy!”

Half-embarrassed at uttering such a stale platitude, not even party-handy any more, he fell silent, tugging his beard. The question stood, nonetheless: what could have possessed the Immigration Service to let Lenigo have his visa? Blackmail? It had to be, in the strict contemporary sense of one of the knee enclaves holding a knife to the Federal neck. What, who, where? Black-bury? Impossible. Mayor Black was becoming steadily more paranoid, as witness his firing of Pedro Diablo for mere genetic reasons, and on Uys’s say-so too.

The problem which had preoccupied him over breakreturned briefly: whether or not, with Diablo turning up at the office today, he could make a story out of Uys’s presence in the country. Was Campbell eager enough to overlook a breach of what had obviousbeen meant as a confidence, according to Prior’s judgment, in return for full cooperation in the Diablo case?

And what was this man Diablo like as a person, anyAs a public figure, anybody in communications of any kind had a preconceived image of him, a brilliant, savage, wholly destructive propagandist whose canned programs were seized with cries of delight in Africa and Asia. But that was essentially irrelevant. Back in the pioneering days of the media, almost immediately after the crude and primitive radio era dominated by Dr. Goebbels, that instinctive genius of the borderline period Joe McCarthy had allegedly greeted a former acquainat a party, having secured his dismissal from his job, the loss of most of his friends and the acquisition of several million new enemies, with the cry, “Haven’t seen much of you lately-you been avoiding me?”

Flamen nodded. Yes, he’d had insight into the patof the future, that man: the splits public/private, knee/blank, rich/poor, left/right, conformist/nonconeverything. But after so long being identified with Blackbury policies could Diablo have maintained that essential division within himself which would enable them to meet as craftsmen on a common level?

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Categories: John Brunner