Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

“You’re going to be a surprise to him, and he doesn’t like surprises. You see, he’s a very suspicious person and tends to think of a surprise as a part of an unknown plot against him … or me.”

Markie lapsed into silence. Her blow furrowed as she stared off into nothingness, and it occurred to me that I was scaring her.

“Hey, don’t worry,” I said, squeezing her hand. “Aahz will be okay once he gets over being surprised. Now tell me about yourself. Do you go to school?”

“Yes. I’m halfway through Elemental School. I’d be further if we didn’t keep moving around.”

“Don’t you mean Elementary School?” I smiled.

“No. I mean…”

“Whoops. Here we are. This is your new home, Markie.”

I gestured grandly at the small tent that was our combination home and headquarters.

“Isn’t it a little small for all those people?” she frowned, staring at the tent.

“It’s bigger inside than it is outside,” I explained. “C’mon. I’ll show you.”

I raised the flap for her and immediately wished I hadn’t.

“Wait’ll I get my hands on him!” came Aahz’s booming voice from within. “After all the times I’ve told him to stay away from dragon poker!”

It occurred to me that maybe we should wait for a while before introducing Markie to my partner. I started to ease the flap down, but it was too late.

“Is that you, partner? I’d like to have a little chat, if you don’t mind!”

“Remember. Stay behind me,” I whispered to Markie, then proceeded to walk into the lion’s den.

Chapter Three:

“I’m doing this for your own good!”


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Categories: Asprin, Robert