Little Myth Marker By Robert Asprin

“I don’t want to set you off again,” she smirked, “but my looks were working against me. Most legitimate businessmen were afraid that if they hired me their wives, or partners, or board of directors, or staff would think they were putting a mistress on the payroll. After a while I decided to go with the flow and go into a field where being attractive was a requirement instead of a handicap. If I’m guilty of anything, it’s laziness.”

“I don’t know,” I said, shaking my head. “I’ll admit I don’t think much of your career choice.”

“Oh, yeah? Well, before you start sitting in moral judgment, let me tell you …”

“Whoa! Time out!” I interrupted. “What I meant was there isn’t much of a future in it. Nothing personal, but nobody stays young and good-looking forever. From what I hear, your job doesn’t have much of a retirement plan.”

“None of the Mob jobs do,” she shrugged. “It pays the bills while I’m looking for something better.”

Now we were getting somewhere.

“Speaking of the Mob, Bunny, I’ll admit this Ax thing has me worried. Do you know off hand if the Mob ever handles character assassination? Maybe I could talk to someone and get some advice.”

“I don’t think they do. It’s a little subtle for them. Still, I’ve never known Uncle Bruce to turn down any kind of work if the profit was high enough.”

It occurred to me that that was a fairly evasive no answer. I decided to try again.

“Speaking of your uncle, do you have any idea why he picked you for this assignment?”

There was the barest pause before she answered.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert