Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

Both squadrons will now be assigned colonial explorations but I see no reason to put the boy through any more emotional stress than he’s already had. He likes Asia that much?

Sir, he’s very protective of her. Either a steady dose will cure him or consolidate his current interest.

You don’t like Asia? This was definitely Grandfather talking.

She’s sweet and engaging and, when she’s out of shy mode, she can be fun but She’s not your type.

In a word, yes. And, Grandfather, I’ve got my own plans.

So I understand, Thian. And we approve.

Abruptly, although a chuckle echoed distantly, Jeff Raven had broken the contact.

ROjER! CLANCY! Thian shouted. Did either of you mention – ?

YOU THINK WE’RE CRAZY! The two Talents answered in unison and Rojer burst through the door to the Tower room, glaring at Thian that he’d believe him guilty of such an indiscretion.

Then how the hell does Grandfather know about AlisonAnne?

Rojer shrugged. `How the hell does Grandfather know half of what he does? He just does and what did he just tell you? Thanks, maybe?’ Don’t be cocky, boy, Thian said, with a grin and a punch on his brother’s arm as he passed him on his way to Captain Ashiant’s ready room down the hall.

Well, give us a clue, wontcha? Clancy added his complaint to Rojer’s.

Thian heaved a sigh as he knocked politely on the captain’s door.

just listen in. I get so tired of having to repeat things – ů `Captain Ashiant, the compliments of Earth Prime who forwards the deep thanks and appreciation of the High Council and all Alliance citizens for the speedy settlement of this threat to our civilizations.’ Ashiant regarded Thian for a long moment.

`Is that really what he said they said?’ `Well, sir, if not, that’s how it should have been phrased. Earth Prime is deeply relieved that, as he did say, this is a war where only the enemy died.’ `Not quite, but near enough to make it a valid comment,’ Ashiant said, nodding acceptance.

Then Thian grinned broadly. `I’ve also the happy duty to inform you that you have just been promoted to the rank of Admiral of the Fleet in recognition of your services.

`Prime, I don’t take kindly to practical jokes.’ `No joke, sir, not to you, Captain Ashiant.’ `Admiral, hmmm?’ and Ashiant swung his chair around so that, when Thian next saw his face, it was as composed as ever, save for a brief upward slant of the corner of his mouth. He tugged at the blouse of his shipsuit. `That’s rather good news and certainly an honour.’ `Aye, aye, Admiral, sir, an honour to your family, your colour and everyone serving under you.

`If you don’t mind, Prime, I think we had best wait until this has been officially confirmed, but I thank you for apprising me of it.’ There was another polite tap on the door but First Officer Vandermeer did not even wait for Ashiant’s response before she entered, holding out the usual documents corner.

`This just `ported in, sir, and it’s addressed to “Admiral Ashiant”! Sir!’ Face wreathed with a broad and happy smile, she handed him the narrow carrier with her left hand while snapping him one definitely high-class salute.

`Well,’ Ashiant said, uncapping the cylinder and taking out the tightly rolled official document, `well,’ and he unrolled it, `well, and so it says.’ `May I be the first to congratulate you, Admiral Ashiant?’ Vandermeer said, tears of pride in the corners of her eyes.

`Why, that’s splendid news, Admiral Ashiant,’ Thian said quickly, stepping forward and holding out his hand.

`I’m honoured to be present on such a felicitous occasion. My sincerest congratulations, Admiral Ashiant, for a well-deserved promotion!’ Ashiant cocked a sardonic eyebrow at the Prime but there was no way Thian would have deflated Vandermeer’s moment.

The news was -all over the ship before Thian finished the further report and the orders he was to relay from Earth Prime. It didn’t matter that Rojer and Clancy had been instrumental in its dissemination. The promotion was official and everyone went about their duties grinning: Ashiant was a popular man.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne