Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part six

Easy, Thian. Flavia and the others `ported Klml into CThrf space a week ago. Laria says it arrived, scared the short hairs off half the `Dini population, but let’s deal with your current situation. Thian had never heard quite that tone of voice from his grandfather before and concentrated on this briefing. With alarms going off all over the Alliance, the High Council is reluctant to send additional units to support you, despite the fact that you’ll obviously have a fight on your hands even with the two squadrons already in your quadrant. But, before you give Captain Ashiant the good news, can you give me any information on this totally unexpected mobilization of spheres? High Council is rather – upset, you might say. Thian grinned, reassured by that flicker of Earth Prime’s usual wry delivery. what’s this Rojer was telling me about a new homeworld sun?

That looks a much more valid theory now that the Hivers have reacted. I’m also afraid that the theory that Hivers do not have communications just got knocked down a worm-hole.

amazement. The High Council is going to be scared shitless.

Not as badly as I am, sir. This Fleet set beacons, too, you know, and Commander Kloo just handed me a note which confirms that those four beacons have gone off With the two or three Captain Soligen can account for, we can now add another four, AND the one we’re chasing.

Seven, possibly eight? And they can communicate with each other?

why now? Jeff sounded exasperated.

I think, sir, we’ve made the mistake of tpresuming’ too much about the Hivers.

Obviously. Let’s get back to this homeworld theory.

The Hivers’ homeworld sun went nova. They sent out the three Hive spheres to find the right sort of primary with an M-5 planet to replace what they’d lost. The way we’re seeing it now is that the original three spheres the `dinis came across were an advance group, spreading out to look for just the right primary which is why they by-passed so many likely colonial M-5s. The Great Sphere was following with everything else needed to set up the new base. So let’s operate on the theory – because I don’t want to presume anything I can’t prove about the Hivers – that this Sphere Three is the lucky one and has located the primary they want with the sort of planet ůthey need. They are either inviting others to come see and/or want additional groups to secure the world. Or, and I like this -possibility less, Three knows it’s being pursued and has broadcast for assistance, it being the last exploratory ship left.

ůOr all of them!

Oh! There was a pause while Jeff Raven assimilated that information. Well, we – the Alliance – certainly can’t let them establish a new home base. look, inform Captain Ashiant of the situation within the Alliance. Assure him that we will supply whatever new missiles and material you can `port out there but he’s got to make do with the two Fleet elements in that quadrant. The High Council is adamant that all other Fleet units remain deployed within the Alliance to counteract any Hive intrusions. I’ll do all I can, personally and professionally, to help you, Thian.

Thank you, sir.

Damn it, boy, I didn’t think I was letting you, any of you, in for a WAR! Jeff sounded more indignant than alarmed for their sakes.

Sir, we won’t let you down!

Remember this, Primes, and Clancy, and I’ve said this to Flavia, you Talents are to preserve yourselves!

That we will, you may be sure of it. Thian put a good deal of strength in that assurance.

I’d better be, was Jeff Raven’s final word.

Rojer and Clancy regarded Thian with sardonic expressions as they all sat at the end of that `pathing.

`And how are we going to do that, bra,’ Rojer asked, `when we know the mortality rate of escape pods in a Hive encounter?’ Thian started to chuckle, then his amusement so overcame him that he fell to one side on the couch while the others regarded him as if he’d lost his wits.

`Rojer you should . know what’s so funny. You did it yourself We use a variant of the Genessee ploy! It’s the only logical course of action! Hell, we know the insides of a sphere ship like we know a Tower.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne