Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part three

While the expanded Squadron A picks up where they left off, Squadron B will do evaluations of the abandoned colony worlds `And knock out the inhabited one the way we did the Xh-33?’ asked Thian with a certain eagerness in his voice.

Jeff gave him a long look. `I’ve no specific directions as yet.

I’d rather one of us didn’t start another battle.

The navy feels that that’s its prerogative.’ Then he grinned.

`Even if certain Talents do seem to lend a helping hand when least expected. However, I’ve had my wrists slapped by the High Council so orders are to be followed this time.

Each one felt him gently prod their minds.

`Granddad,’ and Thian waggled a finger at Earth Prime.

`Sorry,’ Jeff said, lifting his hands in a gesture of compliance, `force of habit.’ His grin had not a vestige of apology in it.

`That means, sir, that the squadrons will continue to hunt down the remaining Hive hips?’ Flavia asked.

`I repeat, that’s the current,’ and he lightly emphasized the word, `plan. These chasings off into unexplored regions of space keep lasting longer than anyone anticipated – – -` `A lot that’s happened couldn’t be anticipated,’ Thian said, thinking of the Great Sphere and the dead star that had once shone on the Hive home world.

`You can say that again,’ Rojer murmured, remembering the unexpected events in which he had taken part. `Where are your `Dinis, Thian?’ he asked suddenly.

Thian shot him a glance, adding a mental touch blended of compassion, affection, pride and relief that the question had been asked. `Hibernation. They should be out in another week.

`Oh!`Mur and Dip would like a chance to see you, if that’s all right with you, Roj.’ Thian turned to the Earth Prime. `That is, if Granddad hasn’t shipped us off to the different ends of the galaxy.’ `Not in the next two weeks,’ Jeff said affably. `Your parents have expressed a wish for your company,’ and his eyes twinkled as his mobile face suggested he couldn’t understand why they would, `and you all require leave after running those naval hazards.’ He turned to Flavia.

`My wife and I would be delighted to have you stay with us at Callisto, Flavia. Damia has also extended an invitation to you to return to Aurigae with the boys if you’d prefer.’ `Old home week’s fine on Aurigae,’ Rojer said. `Do you ride? We’ve great ponies and good hunting.’ At that prospect, Flavia brightened. `I haven’t had a decent hunt in ever so long. What sort of game do you go after? I’m afraid that I don’t know much about Iota Aurigae.’ `Any chance of Laria getting home leave, too?’ Thian asked his grandfather.

Jeff smiled and nodded before he folded his hands behind his head, leaning back in his chair at an almost dangerous angle. Relaxing with his young relatives around him was a good way to get perspective on completely different problems.

`Give a think to the various assignments, Squadrons A and B, or a dirtside assignment, or one of the shorter exploratories. Talents don’t have to ship out from a dock.’ He grinned. `Those who want you will welcome you all the more when you do get wherever you choose to go.’ He set his chair back down on all four legs. `I may have to make the final decisions but your preferences will be taken into consideration. I owe you that much, Talents.’ Thian and Rojer exchanged surprised glances at his deference.

In line with that generosity, Jeff Raven persuaded in a manner as near to coercion as he ever came, to get the Raven-Lyons all home at the same time. He got David of Betelgeuse to release his T-1 son, Perry, to take charge of Clarf Tower, borrowing Yoshuk from the Sef Tower until Perry became comfortable with the peculiarities of the planet.

Perry has’n’t dealt with enough Mrdini yet and he’ll need to, Jeff told the Betelgeuse T-1. You won’t let him have your damned tower until you’re mouldy so he might as well have some variety in his hfr.

Jeff then made extravagant use of pressure to get Clancy Sparrow and Rhodri Eagles leaves of absence and had Damia invite them to Aurigae. He also suggested to his daughter that Asia Eagles could use some Tower engineering work experience with Xexo and wasn’t it time for Zara to get a break from her arduous training under the T-1 Healer Elizara? Damia was so eager to have all her children home again at once, especially Rojer, that she would have struck a deal with a Hiver.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne