Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part three

Rojer chuckled and confidently turned to the righthand one of two double-doored entries. It opened to a huge, well-populated `operations’ area, dominated by screens wrapped round the walls, with horizontal plotting boards at various locations on the floor space, two transparent spheres, one of which was fitted out with some internal components. All around the room workstations were occupied and equations and displays flashed their messages to those seated before them. He spotted five with engineering configurations. The room was full of humans and Mrdini and no-one paid his arrival any attention whatever.

Hi, there, bra, said Thian, his voice buoyant with cheerful welcome. Did you like the beefalo? Smart of you to eat while you had the chance because the Admiral is unlikely to take into consideration that you’ve done a full day’s work already.

Once his brother began speaking, Rojer located him at the far end of the chamber in a group of evidently high-ranking naval officers to judge by their static positions and sombre expressions. About them, like satellites, other uniformed personnel hovered, either busily checking note-pads or awaiting assignment.

As Rojer made his way toward his tall, self-assured brother, he noted the more obvious fact that, while Thian wore a navy shipsuit, there was an FT&T insignia on his shoulder and the Prime tab on his collar. He also thought his brother looked a lot older than he had when they had last met. Whenever that was. Ah, yes, when Laria had come home for her birthday. There were subtle changes in his older brother’s face and bearing.

Watch the one who’s jabbering at me, Thian added as Rojer made his way across the cavernous room, although Thian gave every outward appearance of total concentration on what was being said to him by a shorter, black-haired man with a strangely taciturn face.

If Prtglm had had the sense to get human support to destroy Xh-33, Admiral Enarit del Falco, our Base Commandant, is the man who’d’ve given it and rejoiced. Del Falco is also extremely shrewd, intell(gent and capable. There isn’t a thing that happens on this base that he doesn’t know about within seconds. He’s got absolutely no Talent so we’re safe to say all the things we want right in front of his face.

On the other hand, lie’s got a natural shield as impregnable as a Hive sphere, which is very inconvenient. Even Granddad and Grandmother can’t winkle in.

The admiral turned slightly just then and Rojer gave an inadvertent shudder at the closed face and took the final steps to his brother under the admiral’s scrutiny.

`Ah, Admiral, speaking of the devil . Thian said as if he’d just noticed his brother’s arrival. He raised one arm which he then placed about Rojer’s shoulders, squeezing his hand in welcome. And continued a mental briefing while he effected the introductions.

`Here’s Prime Rojer Gwyn-Lyon, Eng. Mec top honours – yes, you did get top honours today which is exactly why you got snatched from the quiet of Deneb and Grandma’s cottage and thrust into this situation without a chance for a day’s rest – who’s assigned along with me to help you penetrate the interior of the Refugee – That’s her official designation, bra. Don’t let his manner get under your skin, Roj. He tries that one on everybody, even Granddad and Grandmother. Got nowhere with them so u’e have to keep up the family tradition. He doesn’t like Talents but he needs the help only we can give him.

Fortunately both you and I are independent of his authority even if we are assigned to help.

`Good to see you, bra.’ And Thian dropped his arm, smiling down at the admiral in his charismatic way, much as their grandfather might have done in a similar situation.

Having Thian in physical and mental support with so much coming at him all of a sudden made all the difference. So Rojer could smile, too, summoning up what Isthia had called the deplorable tendency of her male relatives to charm as easily as they breathed.

Adopting a casual confidence, he inclined his head courteously to del Falco. The commandant did not offer his hand to the young Talent.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne