MacDonald, John D – Travis McGee 18 – The Green Ripper

The Green Ripper

“Can I have some clothes?”

“It isn’t that chilly yet.”

When I hesitated, I saw Nena lower the aiming_ point from chest to belly. I couldn’t read anything in her eyes. She walked behind us. Persival walked just out of arm’s reach, off to my left.

“And what were you doing over here?”

“I was looking for somebody so I could ask them about the Church of the Apocrypha, Mr. Persival. I wondered if the road I came up went down this side to more buildings, maybe. Then I saw all those trees down there, the way they were busted off at the same height. I went down and looked at them. I saw trees looking like that after we cleared some people out who were trying to ambush us, but the man on point stopped them in time. It was done some time ago. Weeks ago, probably, from the dead leaves and the dry wood. I saw slug marks on the trunk and I could kind of figure where the weapon must have been. Or weapons. Right over here. So I saw a glint in a crack in the rocks. Here, I think. No, it was this one. Because here is the twig I hooked it out with. It was a kind I never saw before, so I put it in my pocket. And now you’ve got it.”

He nodded at me and smiled in a kindly way. “You were just wandering around here, At. McGraw?”

“Looking for somebody to talk to.”

He sighed and said, “Yes. Looking for somebody to talk to.”

“Then I was walking toward the buildings when the patrol came up onto the flat right over there.”

‘withy do you call it a patrol?”

“I don’t know. People in uniform carrying weep” ons and ammo, wearing light packs. Not enough for a squad, and they were coming back out of the country. What would you call them?”

“Followers of the true faith.”

“Well, I wouldn’t know that. I would like to know something about my little girl and how I can find her.”

“Let’s walk back. It’s getting chilly.”

“I’d appreciate that,” I said. If there is any way to feel more naked than standing out in 60-degree weather as the day is ending, with a girl aiming an automatic weapon at the small of your back, I would not care to hear of it.

On the way back I noticed that he did not walk quite as far out to my left. I could have reached him, if I felt suicidal.

“You were carrying a considerate amount of cash in the double lining of that duffel bag, Mr. McGraw.”

“I was hoping you wouldn’t look that close.”

“We’re very careful people. Is it stolen?”

“Hell, no, it’s not stolen! Or maybe it is now, hah?”

“Don’t become agitated, please. Just tell me

The Green Ripper where you got it.” I told him. He thought it over and nodded. “So you decided to make your funds last as long as possible, so your search would not be hampered by the need to seek employment.”

“That’s exactly correct.”

We went inside. He sat on the straight chair and told the girl to go get my clothes. She hesitated, and he looked stonily at her and said, “Sister?” She scuttled away. She brought the clothing. Persival sent her away. He watched me dress. He said, “You seem to have suffered an extraordinary number of wounds, Mr. McGraw. Are they all service-connected?”

“No, sir, not all. Two are. High on my back on the right side and the shoulder. And here on the left hip.”

“How about that huge wound on your right thigh?”

‘What was a hunting accident long ago. I went a long time before they found me. It got infected, and I was out of my head and nearly died. Some of this other stuff, I’m in kind of an active line of work. And the guys I work with, when we play we play rough. Beside that, sir, I have a bad temper sometimes. I go out of my head, sort of. I haven’t kilt anybody, but I’ve tried hard.”

“You don’t seem to have the hands of a commercial fisherman.”

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Categories: John D MacDonald