MacDonald, John D – Travis McGee 18 – The Green Ripper

We were walking back in the light rain, at his pace.

‘us it okay to mention I never had breakfast this morning?”

“You have the run of the place, Brother. Stay up on the flats. Do not head down the hill at any point. I am sure you can locate the kitchen.”

A small group was straggling ahead of us toward the buildings. Chuck, Nena, Stella, Sammy, Haris,

The Green Ripper

Ahman,and Alvor, all but Alvor in the short white robes which looked like smocks except for the monk’s hoods attached to them. The women and Haris wore the hoods pulled up, and Haris carried a book.

‘I see the service is over,” Persival said.

Yhey dig a fast grave.”

“It was all prepared,” he said. He smiled at me in a fatherly way. He laid his hand on my shoulder. “Actually, Brother, there were two. Just in case.”

In case I couldn’t shoot him?”

He took his hand away. “Let’s say it was just in case.”

I checked out my green-and-white travel trailer. It was an old Scottie, sifting on cement blocks. It had recently been cleaned. There were some water droplets on the flat surfaces. There were two folded blankets, no sheets. There was a tiny gas heater, a hand-pumped water supply and a Porta-Potty. My duffel bag was on the fact of the bed. There was no way to lock it. I had the uneasy feeling that Nicky had lived here in this constricted space, had curled his long bulk on the bed that was built across the rear end of the trailer. I kept seeing that Polaroid shot. It was curiously more vivid than what I had actually seen.

I went looking for the kitchen. The steel warehouse building was tightly secured. I came upon Alvor and asked him. He did not answer. He merely pointed. It was the only frame building in the group of structures, about twelve feet by twenty, with unfinished open studding on the inside. There was a kerosene stove, an old kerosene re- frigerator, two plank tables on sawhorses, and some unmatched chairs and camp stools. The utensils and plates and cups were on open shelves made of planks and bricks. There was a big blackboard at the other end of the room.

I found butter and eggs, scrambled four eggs, and sat at the plank table and ate them. Barry came in, relieved of guard duty, and smiled at me. “Got everything you need, Brother?”

This one, thanks.”

Avant some coffee?’,

Thanks, yes.”

He brought it over, as well as a cup for himself. and sat across from me. “Everybody gets tested, one way or other,” he said.


Eve all liked Nicky, but he was a fuck-off. You can’t have your life depending on a fuck-off.”

“I reckon so.”

“Sorry it had to happen the way it did. Must of made you feel bad.”

Barry hadn’t been there when I lost my cool. The tone, the eyes in the dark face were innocently sym- pathetic. But he could have heard about it by now and could be faking to draw me out.

“I was a mite shook up,” I said. “But when you

The Green Ripper come right down to it, I didn’t really know him. Or any of you.”

“You know me, Brother Thomas. And you know the other brothers and sisters. We your home, man. We all part of the same thing.”

Chow do you know I’m not like Nicky?”

“AII it needs is Brother Persival saying you are part of it. That’s all that makers. We all came up through the Church, but that don’t mean everybody has to. You got family in the Church, that daughter, right?”

Wherever she is.” ‘

‘Whey looking for her. Don’t worry.”

As there any rule about taking a bath in the creek?”

“None at all. The best bath hole is upstream from the great big rocks, past the little trees. Take a towel off the line if there isn’t one in your trailer.”

It was a good solid yellow soap, and it worked well enough in ice water. I took my change of clothes with me and washed out the dirty ones, carried them back to the encampment, and hung them on the community line, along with my washed-out, wrung-out towel.

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Categories: John D MacDonald