Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman. Time of the Twins

Gently, Raistlin led Crysania back to her chair. She sat

down, quickly drawing away from his touch. His nearness was

both repelling and attracting at the same time, adding to her

feelings of loss and confusion. She wished desperately that Elis-

tan were here. He would know, he would understand. For

there had to be an explanation! Such terrible suffering, such

evil should not be allowed. Feeling empty and hollow, she

stared into the fire.

“We are not so very different.” Raistlin’s voice seemed to

come from the flames. “I live in my Tower, devoting myself to

my studies. You live in your Tower, devoting yourself to your

faith. And the world turns around us.”

“And that is true evil,” Crysania said to the flames. “To sit

and do nothing.”

“Now you understand,” Raistlin said. “No longer am I con-

tent to sit and watch. I have studied long years for one reason,

with one aim. And now that is within my grasp. I will make a

difference, Crysania. I will change the world. That is my plan.”

Crysania looked up swiftly. Her faith had been shaken, but

its core was strong. “Your plan! It is the plan Paladine warned

me of in my dream. This plan to change the world will cause

the world’s desruction!” Her hand clenched in her lap. “You

must not go through with it! Paladine -”

Raistlin made an impatient gesture with his hand. His golden

eyes flashed and, for a moment, Crysania shrank back, catch-

ing a glimpse of the smoldering fires within the man.

“Paladine will not stop me,” Raistlin said, “for I seek to

depose his greatest enemy.”

Crysania stared at the mage, not understanding. What

enemy could that be? What enemy could Paladine have upon

this world. Then Raistlin’s meaning became clear. Crysania felt

the blood drain from her face, cold fear made her shudder con-

vulsively. Unable to speak, she shook her head. The enormity

of his ambition and his desires was too fearful, too impossible

to even contemplate.

“Listen,” he said, softly. “I will make it clear….”

And he told her his plans. She sat for what seemed like hours

before the fire, held by the gaze of his strange, golden eyes,

mesmerized by the sound of his soft, whispering voice, hearing

him tell her of the wonders of his magic and of the magic now

long lost, the wonders discovered by Fistandantilus.

Raistlin’s voice fell silent. Cyrsania sat for long moments,

lost and wandering in a realm far from any she had ever

known. The fire burned low in the gray hour before dawn. The

room became lighter. Crysania shivered in the suddenly chill


Raistlin coughed, and Crysania looked up at him, startled.

He was pale with exhaustion, his eyes seemed feverish, his

hands shook. Crysania rose to her feet.

“I am sorry,” she said, her voice low. “I have kept you awake

all night, and you are not well. I must go.”

Raistlin rose with her. “Do not worry about my health,

Revered Daughter,” he said with a twisted smile. “The fire that

burns within me is fuel enough to warm this shattered body.

Dalamar will accompany you back through Shoikan Grove, if

you like.”

“Yes, thank you,” Crysania murmured. She had forgotten

that she must go back through that evil place. Taking a deep

breath, she held her hand out to Raistlin. “Thank you for meet-

ing with me,” she began formally. “I hope -”

Raistlin took her hand in his, the touch of his smooth flesh

burned. Crysania looked into his eyes. She saw herself

reflected there, a colorless woman dressed in white, her face

framed by her dark, black hair.

“You cannot do this,” Crysania whispered. “It is wrong, you

must be stopped.” She held onto his hand very tightly.

“Prove to me that it is wrong,” Raistlin answered, drawing

her near. “Show me that this is evil. Convince me that the ways

of good are the means of saving the world.”

“Will you listen?” Crysania asked wistfully. “You are sur-

rounded by darkness. How can I reach you?”

“The darkness parted, didn’t it,” Raistlin said. “The darkness

parted, and you came in.”

“Yes…” Crysania was suddenly aware of the touch of his

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Categories: Weis, Margaret