Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman. Time of the Twins

Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman. Time of the Twins

Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman. Time of the Twins


Volume 1

Margaret Weis was born and grew up in Independence,

Missouri. Her first book, a biography of Frank and Jesse

James, was inspired by her childhood fascination with their

graves at a local cemetery. She graduated in creative writing

from the University of Missouri and worked for a publisher

for fourteen years, during which time she advanced to

the position of editor. She then accepted a job as fiction

editor with TSR, Inc., where she now works. Besides the

Dragonlance Chronicles, the Dragonlance Legends and the

Dragonlance Tales, she has published a great many books

for younger readers and is working on her own science

fantasy trilogy as well as a fantasy trilogy, with Tracy

Hickman, entitled The Necroclast. She lives in Wisconsin

with her two children and three cats.

Tracy Hickman was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1955.

He served as a missionary in Indonesia for nearly two years

before returning home to marry his childhood sweetheart.

He now combines being an author with being a games

designer with TSR, Inc., and is the creator of the complete

Dragonlance(TM) package, including games, books and minia-

tures. The Dragonlance Chronicles were his first novels. He

lives in Wisconsin with his wife and their two children.


Volume 1


Poetry by Michael Williams

Illustrations by Valerie Valusek

Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman

To Samuel G. and Alta Hickman

My grandpa who tossed me into bed in his own special way

and my grandma nanny who is always so very wise. Thank

you all for the bedtime stories, life, love, and history. You

will live forever – Tracy Raye Hickman

This book about the physical and spiritual bonds binding

brothers together could be dedicated to only one

person – my sister. To Terry Lynn Weis Wilhelm, with love

– Margaret Weis


We wish to gratefully acknowledge the work of the follow-


Michael Williams – for splendid poetry and warm friendship.

Steve Sullivan – for his wonderful maps. (Now you know

where you are, Steve!)

Patrick Price – for his helpful advice and thoughtful criticism.

Jean Black – our editor, who had faith in us from the begin-


Valerie Valusek – for her exquisite pen and ink drawings.

Ruth Hoyer – for cover and interior design.

Roger Moore – for DRAGON(R) articles and the story of Tas-

slehoff and the woolly mammoth.

The DRAGONLANCE(TM) team: Harold Johnson, Laura Hick-

man, Douglas Niles, Jeff Grubb, Michael Dobson, Michael

Breault, Bruce Heard.

The 1987 DRAGONLANCE CALENDAR artists: Clyde

Caldwell, Larry Elmore, Keith Parkinson, and Jeff Easley.

* BOOK 1 *

The Meeting

A lone figure trod softly

toward the distant light. Walking unheard, his footfalls were

sucked into the vast darkness all around him. Bertrem indulged

in a rare flight of fancy as he glanced at the seemingly endless

rows of books and scrolls that were part of the Chronicles of

Astinus and detailed the history of this world, the history of


“It’s like being sucked into time,” he thought, sighing as he

glanced at the still, silent rows. He wished, briefly, that he were

being sucked away somewhere, so that he did not have to face

the difficult task ahead of him.

“All the knowledge of the world is in these books,” he said to

himself wistfully. “And I’ve never found one thing to help make

the intrusion upon their author any easier.”

Bertrem came to a halt outside the door to summon his cour-

age. His flowing Aesthetic’s robes settled themselves about

him, falling into correct and orderly folds. His stomach, how-

ever, refused to follow the robes’ example and lurched about

wildly. Bertrem ran his hand across his scalp, a nervous gesture

left over from a younger age, before his chosen profession had

cost him his hair.

What was bothering him? he wondered bleakly – other than

going in to see the Master, of course, something he had not

done since… since… He shuddered. Yes, since the young

mage had nearly died upon their doorstep during the last war.

War… change, that was what it was. Like his robes, the

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Categories: Weis, Margaret