McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 3, 4, 5

“What? You monopolized Alessan when his mother and the mother of every eligible girl able to creep or crawl to that Gather …”

Moreta grinned. “He did his duty with the girls on the dance square. And we,” she added, smiling more broadly than ever, “managed to stay upright in a toss dance!”

Leri grinned back at Moreta. “Alessan could be quite a temptation. I assume he’s got over the death of that wild one he married. Sad, that! Now, his grandfather, Leef’s sire … Ah, no, you’ll have heard all that.” Moreta had not, but Leri’s comment meant she was unlikely to. “I always chat Alessan up while the ground crews are reporting. Always has a flask of Benden white with him.” “He does, does he?” Leri laughed at Moreta’s alert tone.

“Don’t tell me he tried it on you, too, at his own Gather?” Leri chortled and then assumed a masculine pitch to her voice, ” ‘I just happen to have one skin of Benden white …’” And she laughed all the more as Moreta reacted to the mimicry. “He’s got a full cave of ‘em, I’d say. However, I’m glad Leef gave him the succession. He’s got more guts than that elder brother of his—never could remember the man’s name. Never mind. Alessan’s worth three of hint-Did you know that Alessan was Searched?”

“And that Lord Leef refused.” Moreta frowned. Alessan would have made a superb bronze rider.

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“Well, if the lad was to succeed, Leef was entitled to refuse. That was twelve Turns ago. Before you arrived from Ista. Alessan would have Impressed a bronze, I’m sure.” Moreta nodded, bringing Leri her fellis juice and wine. “Your health!” she said ironically, raising the cup to Moreta be-fore she took a careful sip. “Hmmm. Do get some rest today, Moreta,” she said more briskly. “Two hours’ sleep is not enough when there’s Fall tomorrow and who knows how many dragonriders will do stupid things thanks to two Gathers, let alone Capiam’s unidentified disease.”

“I’ll get some rest once I’ve organized a few matters.” “I sometimes wonder if we did right, L’mal and I, monopolizing your healing arts for the Weyr.”

“Yes!” Moreta’s quick reply was echoed by Holth and Orlith. “Well, ask a silly question!” Leri was reassured, and she patted Holth’s cheek.

“Quite. Now, what Records should I send you?” “The oldest ones you can find that are still legible.” Moreta scooped up the pillow Leri had loaned her and threw it back to the old Weyrwoman, who caught it deftly.

“And eat something!” Leri shouted as Moreta turned and left the weyr.

Wisps of fog were infiltrating the valleys, oozing toward the western rim of the Bowl, and the watchrider was standing within the forearms of his dragon, finding what protection he could from the elements. Moreta shuddered. She didn’t like the northern fogs even after ten Turns, but she hadn’t liked the humidity of the southern latitude at Ista any better. And it was far too late to return to the comfortable climate of the highlands of Keroon. Was the disease in the highlands, too? And Talpan diagnosing it! How strange that he had been in her mind yesterday. Would the epidemic bring them together again?

She gave herself a little shake and began the descent to the floor of the Bowl. First she would see K’lon, then find Berchar, even if it meant invading the privacy of S’gor’s weyr.

K’lon was asleep when she reached the infirmary and there was not so much as a bead of fever perspiration on his brow or upper lip. His fair skin was a healthy color, wind-darkened where the eyepieces left the cheek bare. Berchar had attended K’lon during the initial


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days of his fever so Moreta saw no point in rousing the blue rider again.

Folk were moving about the Bowl by then, swirling fog about them as they began the preparations for the next day’s Threadfall. The shouts and laughter of the weyrlings filling firestone sacks was muted by the mist. Moreta thought to check with Weyrlingmaster F’neldril to find out how many of the weyrlings had drawn convey duty the day before. A rare animal in Ista might well have attracted some of them despite their strict orders to convey and return directly.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne