McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 3, 4, 5

78 Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

“I must speak with him, S’gor.” Moreta continued toward the


“No, really, Moreta. It won’t do you any good. He’s out of his head. And don’t touch me, either. I’m probably contaminated …” S’gor moved to one side rather than risk contact with his Weyrwoman. The incoherent mumbles of a feverish man grew audible during the slight pause in the conversation. “You see?” S’gor felt himself vindicated.

Moreta pushed back the curtain that separated the sleeping quarters from the weyr and stood on the threshold. Even in the dim light she could see the change sickness had made in Berchar. His features were now drawn by fever and his skin was pale and moist. Moreta saw Berchar’s medicine case lay open on the table and walked over to it. “How long has he been ill?” She lifted the first bottle left on the


“He was feeling wretched yesterday—terrible headache, so we didn’t go to either of the Gathers as we’d planned.” S’gor fiddled nervously with the bottles on the table. “He was perfectly all right at breakfast. We were going to Ista, to see that animal. Then Berch says he has this splitting headache and he’d have to lie down. I didn’t believe him at first—”

“He took sweatroot for headache?”

“No. He took willow salic, of course.” S’gor held up the bottle of crystals.

“Then sweatroot?”

“Yes, for all the good it did him. He was burning up by midday and then insisted on having this”—S’gor read the label—“this aconite. I thought that very odd indeed since I have been of assistance to him several times and he told me off rather abruptly for questioning a healer. This morning, though, he asked me to make him an infu-sion offeatherfcm, which I did, and told me to add ten drops offellis juice. He said he ached all over.”

Moreta nodded in what she hoped was a reassuring manner. Aconite for a headache and fever? She could understand fcatherfcm and fellis juice.

“Was his fever high?”

“He knew what he was doing, if that’s what you mean.” S’gor sounded defensive.

“I’m sure he did, S’gor. He is a Masterhealer, and Fort Weyr’s

Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern 79

been fortunate to have him assigned to us. What else did he tell you to do?”

“To keep everyone from visiting.” He stared resentfully at Moreta. She did not blink or look away, merely waited until he had himself in control again. “Essence of featherfem undiluted every two hours until the fever abates and fellis juice every four hours, but no sooner than four hours.”

“Did he think he had contracted the fever from K’lon?”

“Berchar would never discuss his patients with me!”

“I wish he had this once.”

S’gor looked frightened. “Has K’lon taken a turn for the worst?”

“No, he’s sleeping quite naturally.” Moreta wished that she could enjoy the same privilege. “I would like a few words with Berchar when his fever drops, S’gor. Do not fail to inform me. It’s very important.” She looked down at the sick man with conflicting doubts. If K’lon had the same disease that Master Capiam had diagnosed as an epidemic, why had he recovered when people in southeast Pern were dying? Could it be due to the circumstances of hold life? Were overcrowding in the holds and the unseasonably warm weather promoting the spread of the disease? She realized that her pause was alarming S’gor. “Follow Berchar’s instructions. I’ll see that you won’t be troubled further. Have Malth inform Orlith when Berchar may talk to me. And do thank Malth for conveying me. I know that she was reluctant to disobey.”

S’gor’s eyes assumed the unfocused gaze that indicated he was conversing with his dragon. But he smiled as he looked down at Moreta.

“Malth says you’re welcome and she’ll take you down now.” Dropping back to the Bowl through the thick mist was an eerie sensation.

Malth would not dare drop her Weyrwoman, Orlith said stoutly. / sincerely trust not but I cannot see my hand in front of my nose. Then the green dragon daintily backwinged to land Moreta in the same spot by the Lower Caverns from which she had taken off. The fog rolled in a huge spiral as Malth spurted back to her weyr.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne