McCaffrey, Anne – DragonSong. Part three

Some of the young Harper’s worst apprehensions were relieved by Tgellan, the bronze wingleader in charge of that Fall.

“I myself told them you were safe, and a good thing, too. They were all ready to mount a search. Which, for old Yanus, is a remarkable concession.”

Elgion grimaced. “I suppose it wouldn’t look well to lose two Harpers in a short time.”

“Nonsense. Already Yanus prizes you above fishl Or so Alemi said.”

“Was he angry?”

“Who? Yanus?”

“No, Alemi.”


“Why? I’d say he was better pleased than Yanus to hear you were safe and scoreless at Benden. More important; did you see any signs of fire lizard clutches?”


Tgellan sighed, stripping off his wide riding helt and opening the heavy wherhide jacket. “How we need the silly creatures.”

“Are they that useful?”

Tgellan gave him a long look, “Possibly not. Lessa thinks them a real nuisance; but they look, and act, like dragons. And they give those narrow-minded, hidebound, insensitive Lord Holders just that necessary glimpse of what it is to ride a dragon. That is going to make life … and progress … easier for us in the Weyrs.”

Elgion rather hoped that this had been made plain to Yanus; and he was going to tactfully suggest that he was ready to go back to the Sea Hold when the bronze rider was called away to check a dragon’s wing injury.

Elgion found the additional delay instructive. He decided he would put his observations to good use in getting back into Yanus’s favor—for he had an opportunity to see Weyr life as unsung in Saga and Ballad. An injured dragon cried as piteously as a child until his wounds were salved with numbweed. A dragon also cried distressingly if his rider was injured. Elgion watched the touching sight of a green dragon, crooning anxiously at her rider as he leaned against her forearm, whfle the weyrwomen dressed his TTireadscored arm. Elgion saw the weyrlings bathing and oiling their young beasts, the Weyr’s several fire lizards assisting. He saw the youngsters of the Weyr refilling firestone sacks for the next Fall, and couldn’t fail to notice that they made less work of the onerous chore than Sea Hold lads would have done. He even ventured to peer into the Hatching Ground where golden Ramoth lay curled protectively around her eggs. He ducked out of sight; hoping she hadn’t seen him.

Time passed so quickly that Elgion was surprised to


hear the kitchen women calling everyone in to eat. He hovered at the entrance, wondering what to do when Tgellan grabbed him by the arm and propelled him to an empty table.

“G’sel, come over here with that bronze nuisance of yours. I want the Half-Circle Harper to see him. G’sel has one of the original clutch Fnor discovered in Southern,” Tgellan said in an undertone as they watched the stocky young man weaving his way through the tables towards them, balancing a bronze fire lizard on his forearm.

This is RiH, Harper,” G’sel said, extending his arm to Elgion. “Ml, be courteous; he’s a Harper.”

With great dignity the fire lizard extended his wings, executing what Elgion construed to be a bow, while the jeweled eyes regarded him intently. Not knowing how one saluted a fire lizard, Elgion tentatively extended his hand.

“Scratch his eye ridges,” G’sel suggested. “They all love that.”

To Elgion’s delight and amazement, the fire lizard accepted the caress, and as Elgion’s stroking eased an itch, Rill’s eyelids began to close in sensuous pleasure.

“He’s another convert,” said Tgellan, laughing and pulling out his chair. The noise roused the fire lizard from somnolence and his hissed softly at Tgellan. Tney’re bold creatures, too, youTl notice, Harper, with no respect for degree.”

This was evidently an old jibe, for G’sel, seating himself, paid it no heed, but coaxed Rill to step onto a padded shoulder rest so he could eat the dinner now being served.

“How much do they understand?” Elgion asked, taking the chair opposite G’sel so he could see Rill better.

To hear Mirrim talk about her three, everything,”

Tgellan snorted with good-natured derision.

“I can ask Rill to carry a message to any place he’s already been. No, to a person he knows at another

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne