McCaffrey, Anne – DragonSong. Part three

“Hie cave?” Elgion had forgotten all about his original destination that morning.

“What cave?” demanded Tgellan. “The cave …” and Elgion gulped and then boldly embroidered on the lie Tgellan had begun, “I told Lessa about. Surely you were in the room then.”

“What cave?” demanded Yanus, stepping close to the younger men, his voice half-angry because he was being excluded from the conversation.

“The cave that Alemi and I spotted on the shore near the Dragon Stones/’ Elgion said, trying to give the proper cues. “Alemi/’ Elgion had to address Tgellan now, “is the Sea Man who saw the fire lizards last spring near the Dragon Stones. Two-three days back, we sailed down the coast and saw the cave. Thafs where I think it’s likely well find fire lizard eggs.”

“Well, then, since you’re now safely in your Hold, Harper Elgion, I will leave you.” Tgellan couldn’t wait to get back to Monarth. And the cave.

“You’ll let us know if you find anything, won’t you?” Elgion called after him and received only a wild arm gesture before the bronze rider swung himself up to Monarth’s back.

“We offered him no hospitality for his trouble in returning you,” Yanus said, worried and somewhat aggrieved by the bronze rider’s precipitous departure.

“He’d just eaten,” Elgion replied, as the bronze

dragon beat his way upward above the sunset-lit waters of the harbor.

“So early.”

“Ah, he’d been fighting Thread. And he’s wingleader, so he must be back at the Weyr.”

That did impress Yanus.

Rider and dragon winked out, drawing a startled exclamation of delight from everyone. Alemi caught EI-gion’s eye, and the Harper had to suppress his grin: he’d share the full jest with Alemi later. Only would the joke be on himself if after all the half-truths Tgellan found fire lizard eggs … or a piper … in the cave?

“Harper Elgion,” said Yanus firmly, waving the rest of the holders away from them as he pointed to the Hold door. “Harper Elgion, I’d be grateful for a few words of explanation.”

“Indeed, sir, and I’ve much to report to you of happenings in the Weyr.” Elgion respectfully followed the Sea Holder. He knew now how to deal with Yanus with no further recourse to evasions or lies.


Chapter 10

Then my feet took off and my legs went, too, So my body was obliged to follow Me with my hands and my mouth futt of cress And my throat too dry to swallow.

When MenoUy roused, she was in a quiet dark place and something crooned comfortingly in her ear. She knew it was Beauty, but she wondered how she could be so warm all over. She moved, and her feet felt big, stuffed and very sore.

She must have made some sound because she heard a soft movement and then the glow in the corner of the room was half-unshielded.

“Are you comfortable? Are your feet painful?”

The warmth beside Menolly’s ear disappeared. Clever Beauty, Menolly thought with approval after an in-stanfs fear of discovery.

Someone was bending over Menolly now, securing the sleeping furs about her shoulders; someone whose hands were gentle, soothing, who smelled of clean herbs and faintly of numbweed.

‘They only hurt a little,” Menolly replied untruthfully because her feet had taken to throbbing so hard she was afraid the woman could hear them.

Her soft murmur and her gentle hands denied Menolly’s stoicism.


“You must surely be hungry. You’ve slept all day.”

“I have?”

“We gave you fellis juice. You’d run your feet to ribbons …” There was a slight hesitation in the woman’s voice. “They’ll be fine in a sevenday. No serious cuts.” The quiet voice held a ripple of amusement “Tgran is convinced you’re the fastest … runner in Pern.”

“I’m not a runner. I’m just a girl.”

“Not ‘just* a girl. I’ll get you something to eat And then it’s best if you sleep again.”

Alone, Menolly tried not to think of her throbbing feet and a body which felt stone-heavy, immobile. She worried for fear Beauty or some of the others would come and be discovered by the weyrwoman, and what would happen to Lazy with no one to make him hunt for himself and…

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne