McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s People. Part five

“Studmuffin, Lord and Master,” Karina replied with a demure lowering of her lashes and a coy curtsey.

“So handsome a studmuffin shall he be that all women will desire him and all men admire him. A far more attractive retirement program than being left adrift in space, would you not say, gentlemen?”

There was only a moment of silence before one of the men

Acorna had rescued, one “whose face wore a careworn expression that was perhaps the result of a troubled conscience, spoke up. “I’d do it for a new job and protection for my family, Mr. Harakamian. I understood that I was being employed to pilot an executive liner to take VIPs to business appointments. This kidnapping and torture stuff and posing as Federation Forces was not in my contract.”

Acorna did not stay for the bidding war that ensued, each prisoner vying to give the most accurate details to which he was privy concerning Ganoosh’s operation and plans. For at that moment, Johnny Greene and what remained for the crew of the Haven were boarding the Shahrazm). Acorna ran to greet them. It was so good to see her old friends again! She could hardly wait to see Pal Kendoro and ‘Ziana. She wondered if ‘Ziana realized yet how much Pal cared for her. And if Markel and Johnny Greene would be there.

Markel and Johnny were there, it was true, and Khetala, who stepped forward and hugged Acorna in an embrace that quickly degenerated into sobs. Acorna wondered what could be upsetting her so until she realized that here were Johnny, Markel, Khetala, red-haired Annella, a tall red-haired man •with two children of the same coloring, and a passel of very young children. And that was all.

“Kheti, where are the others?” Acorna asked. “Johnny? They’re not on the Haven, are they? What happened?”

Johnny took a deep breath. Becker and Hafiz had by that time noted that something else was amiss and joined Acorna and Karina.

“Well, honey, there’s good news and bad news,” Johnny said. “The bad news is. General Ikwaskwan is working for the bad guys. He and a bunch of his fake Federation Forces troops came home to roost about the time the Starfarers arrived to pick up Nadhari Kando for combat lessons. Ikwaskwan gassed Nadhari and our ship and took most of the Starfarers prisoner. If it hadn’t been for Markel knowing how to use the vents and suggesting them as a safe space, we, too, would be guests of the general.”

“Was that last part the good news?” Acorna asked.

Johnny shook his head. “No, the good news-though it’s also kind of mixed-is that we know the course the general’s ships took when they returned to their lair. We followed, and we know exactly where it is, but we couldn’t take them on with only kiddy power to draw on. While we were trying to decide what our next move was, we picked up the Mayday from the Shahrazad.”

When that and all of the other information had been shared and a plan requiring Acorna and Aari to be in two places at once had been formed, Hafiz Harakamian demonstrated the skill upon which his first fortune had been founded.

“My enemies have told many lies about me,” Hafiz said. “Among them is the tale that my earliest enterprises involved the sale of addictive substances, with hints that these were illegal drugs. As any of my people can tell you, I am a devout man and am guided by the Three Books and the Three Prophets. I would never consider such a thing. However, in one way, my enemies are correct. My fortune was founded on items that many find addictive. You will have noticed some of my specialty work here aboard the ShahrazaS. Mr. Greene, I believe, will recall when I fulfilled my family obligation to make a profitable business of my own before I was named heir by running my business from a storefront on Todo Street.”

Johnny snapped his fingers. “Harakamian Hologramatics! Fondest Fantasies Fulfilled! I remember it! I loved the holo of the music session in the Dublin pub.”

“I think Dad mentioned your company a time or two, too, now that I think about it,” Becker said.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne