McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s People. Part five

“How bad is it?” Maati wanted to know. “I’m his sister. You shouldn’t all try to keep this from me.”

Before Liriili could tell her what she’d ‘seen in Thariinye’s image, Acorna described Aari’s wounds herself, focusing on the pain in his eyes. Maati started to cry, big grieving tears rolling down her cheeks. “Nooo\ Why did they do such a thing? Poor Aari! I want to help him.”

Grandam patted her shoulder. “You shall, child, you shall. Liriili, I feel it would be a good idea if Acorna, Maati, and I went to the communications shed and asked to be allowed to speak with Aari.”

“I really discourage any further communication with those aliens until we can bring Aari back among us,” Liriili said.

“Child, I do understand your objections and your responsibility to the rest of our people, but in this case, our responsibility to Maati must come first-if she feels she can handle this, then we must not stand in her way. Aari is her family, almost all the family she has left. Hasn’t she lost enough? Hasn’t her brother? We left him behind once for the sake of us all; isn’t it his turn to come first, now that he’s back among us?”

“I will bow to your wisdom, Grandam. But I still feel that the sight of Aari would be unnecessarily frightening to the public. The images projected by liryn and Yiirl alone will be giving many of our people nightmares.”

“In that case, Viizaar,” Grandam said, “perhaps if you feel so strongly about that, it must be your immediate priority to return to the city and give our people the correct and actuallyand we seem to have overlooked this-quite joyous news that one we all believed was lost has not only returned, but is the first person to have survived capture and torture by the Khieevi; that he is in the process of having his wounds healed, and should soon be among his friends and loved ones once more. Meanwhile, since according to Thariinye, Acorna is the only one of us capable of reasoning with the belligerent Captain Becker, she, Maati as next of kin, and I as a friend and elder from the boy’s youth, should remain to help the physicians with their work and provide moral support.” Grandam’s words were clearly an order to the flustered viizaar.

“As you wish, Grandam.” Liriili withdrew and headed back to the city. The rest of them walked to the communications shed.

The communications officer gladly ceded his seat to them and watched as Acorna hailed the Condor.

“Well, Lady Acorna, fancy seeing you there. What’s on your mind, hon?” The honest face of Jonas Becker reflected pleasure at the sight of her in his viewscreen.

“Captain Becker, Grandam Naadiina, ‘whom you heard Aan say he knew and was fond of, is here, and she would like to speak to him. Aari’s younger sister, Maati, who is Grandams ward, is here as well. Maati has been informed of the nature of Aari’s wounds but she wants very much to speak to him and well, I think it would be best if she could speak for herself.”

“Right. If you think it’s best, then I’ll try to get him in here. But those jerks who were here with you are not welcome aboard this vessel again. I hope everybody understands that.”

Acorna smiled. “I believe you made yourself abundantly clear on that issue, Captain.” She looked around. “Thariinye doesn’t seem to be here now, but Liriili asked him to send for the physicians. They should be arriving soon. We three would like to return to your ship with them, -with your permission.”

“Granted, with pleasure,” he said. “Wait a minute and I’ll see ifAari will come out to talk to his sister.”

“I’m not entirely sure this contact is authorized,” the communications officer said.

“No?” Grandam said. “Well, it is. Liriili appointed Khornya and me as her liaisons in this affair. Khornya is already showing great talent as an alien ambassador, don’t you think?”

“Yes, Grandam,” the officer said meekly.

“That’s a good lad,” Grandam said with an indulgent smile.

A moment later Becker appeared back on screen. Behind him loomed a tall figure with a cat wound around his neck. Maati had her jaw thrust forward and set. As Aari’s ruined face appeared on the screen, she blinked twice but that was all. Aari also blinked, so perhaps he didn’t see her, first instinctive reaction. Acorna thought he was trying not to weep again.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne