McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s People. Part one

The circus-tent-like buildings of the city were clustered around an even larger central circus tent, where each section sprouted another tent-like tower from its center. Actually, these dwellings were not so much like tents as like the pavilions she had seen depicted in films of ancient Earth medieval encampments. Each was, like the attendants’ and Ancestors’ costumes, decorated in a different gaudy hue, and liberally trimmed with loops, swirls, swags, fringe, and tassels of contrasting metal or fabric or rope.

These pavilions had no windows of the sort Acorna was used to, but each section of each tent had a large arched doorway open to the outdoors and several had whole wall sections removed.

“Behold Kubiilikhan, our principal city, honored lady,” the attendant said.

“It’s very colorful,” Acorna said politely. And tried to think the same thing, though the attendant frowned a bit so some of her concerns were clearly leaking through her guard. “But you must suffer greatly from the dampness during the rains.”

Maati, who had fallen back from her trot at the head of the procession, laughed. ” No, wait till you dismount. Excuse me, Great-grandmother, but she’s got to see this!” the girl said with an affectionate but not particularly reverent pat on the nose to the unicorn. The Ancestor snorted, but rather fondly, Acorna thought, very much in the same way a tolerant grandparent might act toward a well-loved but rambunctious child.

Acorna dismounted with a horn dip to the unicorn, who ignored her. She followed Maati, who was now stroking the silken-appearing wall of the large purple pavilion. “Feel!” Maati commanded.

Acorna reached out and touched the fabric. Surprisingly, she found it hard and unyielding. Rapping on it with the backs other fingers, she heard a metallic ting. “Its solid?” she asked.

“Yes, and you can open the pores so the air comes through nicely-but not the wet.”

“And you don’t get chilly during the cold season -you do have a cold season?”

“Oh, sure, outdoors when we’re grazing. But then we can just go inside, close the flaps, and adjust the pores so that they heat the air as it comes inside. Very scientific,” she said, as if she hoped that it being scientific would please Acorna.

“It certainly is,” Acorna agreed.

Neeva beckoned her into the tent. “Come along, Khornya. Liriili is not a particularly patient person.”

Acorna followed her, with Melireenya and Khaari close behind. Maati scrambled to get ahead of Neeva and while Acorna’s eyes were still adjusting to the dimmer light inside, she heard Maati say, “Grand Viizaar Liriili, presenting Vi)e()haanye Feriiii Neeva, the crew of the spacecraft Balaklire, and Khornya, sister-child to VifeDhaanye Neeva and daughter to the late Vaanye and Feriila of honored memory.”

Viizaar Liriili was, Acorna saw, seated at a desk. Like the other spacefarers, she was pale skinned and silver maned, and her eyes, when they met Acoma’s, were deep pewter-gray. Her golden horn was twined with glittering silver thread and she wore a gown cut to compliment her rather sturdy figure in a fabric that matched the thread. Her mane was cropped short around her face and neck and her face was a bit longer than that of any of the other Linyaari. In fact, she rather resembled the Ancestors.

Thariinye s unguarded thought came to Acorna, (What a beauty!)

The Viizaar’s eyes twinkled as they rested upon the handsome young male for a moment, and then she turned her attention to business. “Vi^e()haanye Neeva, dear Melireenya, Khaari, my child, Thariinye, we are all so delighted at your return especially in view of the terrible dangers you faced to warn others.

And most of all, Khornya, we are thrilled that you have finally rejoined us.”

“I am thrilled to be here,” Acorna assured her. “You will of course be joining us at the reception this evening, Viizaar Liriili?” Neeva inquired.

Liriili smiled, “I will be there, certainly, Vife^haanye Neeva. You will be happy to know your instructions were all implemented and everything is in readiness. Unfortunately, neither you nor your core crew members with the exception of Thariinye will be there, I’m afraid. As you were disembarking, I received an urgent message from one of our trading missions. I must discuss this with you privately and then you must leave again, as soon as you have had time to refuel.”

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne