McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s People. Part one

“But my lifemate is expecting me!” Khaari cried. “He is on that trading mission, Khaari,” Liriili told her.

“That is one reason I wish the Baiakiire. to undertake this particular task.”

“But what about Khornya?” Neeva asked.

“Why, she will stay here, of course, and learn to know her people and attend the fete as you have planned. While she will sorely miss your guidance, we will try in your absence to make sure that she is not lonely and learns what is needful for her to know.”

“Excuse me, Viizaar Liriili-” Acorna interrupted as politely as possible. She did not much care for being discussed as if she was not there.

“Yes, Khornya?”

“It’s just that-well, even though I was very much looking forward to doing these social events with my aunt and friends, I really would rather not attend them by myself. Is it possible to postpone the reception so that I could accompany them on their mission?”

Liriili laughed. “My dear Khornya, you will hardly be by yourself! I shall be there, and Thariinye, and most of the cream of Kubiilikhan society including many young males most eager to make your acquaintance!”

“Yes, ma’am, but I’d rather be with my aunt. Perhaps I can be useful on the mission.”

“You’re very young and have a great deal to learn,” Liriili said as if that settled the matter.

“Khornya is a very capable young lady, Liriili,” Neeva told the viizaar, and projected images of some of Acorna’s adventures.

“I’m sure she is, VLte

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne