McCaffrey, Anne & Elizabeth Ann Scarborough – Acorna’s World. Part four

“If we-continue,” he said. “There will be no going back.”

“Why would I want to go back?” she asked. “You are my lifemate. I think I’ve always known that.”

“Really? I didn’t think-I couldn’t hope-”

She shushed him with a kiss and they moved so that she was poised above him, his hands on her waist.

“Now, beloved?” he asked.

She bit her lower lip and nodded emphatically, “Yes. Now.”

The double-quick pounding boots rounded the corner and the security forces halted with two quick and perfectly synchronized stomps. Nadhari Kando paced effortlessly at the head of the cadre and Captain Becker pantingly trailed behind the buff and ready cream of planetary militia from Federation -worlds.

Nadhari glared at the children. “It is long after curfew.”

“What curfew?” Jana asked, innocently.

“Were you not at the briefing at twenty hundred hours this evening?” Nadhari asked. “We have a red alert situation and a curfew is in effect until further notice.”

“So what’re you gonna do, shoot us?” Laxme demanded. He liked being free after his childhood in the mines. He did not take kindly to orders, even from the good guys. Or gals.

Nadhari pursed her lips and regarded him seriously. “No, but you could ask Becker’s friend Aari how much fun it is to not be where you’re supposed to when the evacuation starts and be left behind when the Khieevi attack.”

None of the kids said anything and Nadhari continued. “Now then, Maati, Thariinye, you are to report to the reception area. The Balaklire has just landed and they are very anxious to see that all of you are alive and well. I need to find Aari and Acorna, too.”

Becker grimaced and told Maati, “That witch of an administrator came on the Balakiire, too. I bet the Linyaari couldn’t take her on the planet anymore. But Neeva really wants to see everybody and make sure you’re all okay.”

“I’ll go tell her Khornya is okay,” Maati said. With a wicked grin she added, “Thariinye can fill Liriili .in.”

“No, that’s okay,” Becker said. “Just tell us where Acorna is and I’ll get her.”

Thariinye’s glance strayed toward the hotel entrance and Becker asked, “Are they still in there? Why didn’t you say so?’

“Good. I’ll fetch them,” Nadhari said, and before anyone could stop her she pushed past them and entered the hotel. Moments later she emerged, looking most uncharacteristically embarrassed and shame-faced. “Why didn’t you tell me they were-uh-occupied? ” she demanded. “I thought you had all been playing a game or having a meeting or something! What were you doing, using their rendezvous as a training class?”

Maati’s face fell. “Noooo, we were trying to get them together. And we did, too. And now it’s all ruined!”

“Uh-not entirely,” Nadhari said. “Not from what I saw. But I certainly spoiled the mood.”

Annella groaned. “It took us weeks to set that up.”

“Set what up?” Becker asked suspiciously, but Annella, Markel, and Jana were shaking their heads slightly that Maati should say no more.

In a few minutes, Aari and Acorna walked purposefully from the hotel, as if they hcu) been interrupted in nothing more personal than a meeting, except that every once in a while one of them would steal a look at the other one. And smile. Or sigh. Or get lost in looking and stumble.

Nadhari said nothing as she led the way back to the spaceport. Becker talked rather a lot.

The Niriian refugees endured the Linyaari reunion and the subsequent confusing introductions as well as they could, until at last they met someone whose name they recognized. “And this,” Vi^ec>haanye-ferUU Neeva said, “Is Mr. HaŁz Harakamian.”

“The Hafiz Harakamian of the message?” they cried, and faced him with broad smiles. “Ah, it is you, exalted sir, who will save our world and our people. But it must be done quickly. Many die even as we stand here -wasting time with these formalities.”

Neeva translated and Hafiz smiled broadly back at his guests. “I am very sorry for the plight of your planet, dear alien beings, but you see, I am a merchant. While it was within my power to provide you and the neighboring worlds with a warning about the Khieevi menace, I am not a -warrior or a warlord, merely a humble tradesman.”

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne